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Wailing Woods
Located South-West. These thick dark woods have huge trees densely packed with canopies letting hardly any of the sky through, Even when the sun is at its peak. Most of the trees are simple thick Darkwood that seem to be several centuries old.
Occasionally travelers may find twisted malformation trees resembling unresponsive treeants. These trees leak a thick sludge like sap that has unknown afflictions.
There are a small amount of traveled roads through the woodland, These paths a safer than straying through blindly.

Guides recommend not sleeping during the two day trip through the forest. Sleep within the woods are plague with visions, nightmares causing paranoia or madness. Those of weak will may find themselves bewitched by the woods.

Its said there are some settlements within the Woods but attempts to prove this information has progressed little. Whatever is to live on such a desercrated land surely has no love for mortal life.

A widely accepted fact is that there is a hunter stalking the woods. luring travelers away with a visage of a helpless lady or child only to be met with a twisted Fey locals call Abyss Eater. If you simply ignore the vision and stay on the road no harm may come.

A not so typical marshland located in the feywilds. the waters here are clear, The plants grow to impossible sizes and there are several pools that run so deep light can't reach.
There are giant flowers here that look similar to a poppy, Yet their pollon is dangerous lulling any creature that comes near the flowers into a deep sleep. allowing the predators of the marshland to have their fill.
One such predator is an enthral mushroom monster that lives on an parallel plane, Reaching tendrils into its prey's plane to attack.

Homes, Towns or other like locations that have not been pinpointed in a specific part of the map yet.

The carnival
A spectacular carnival that comes around every 8 years. Its location isn't clear, normally being in the mortal plain but this year its within the feywild itself.

Valour's Mansion
Closer to a castle that a mansion, only lacking the high walls and draw bridge. The mansion sits within unclaimed territory. owned by the Arch-fey Valour.

Astral Crown
A town located in BLANK, The town is the site of a metor crash with the crater it left behind leaving three giant stone formations in the shape of a crown. Most of the town have their homes and services built into the hollowed out rock formations while various other stalls and service remain outside for ease of access by visitors.
The town in covered in giant crystals worth less than Quartz, However it does give the town a unique beauty.

Xelor's Museum
A museum that has never opened to the public, you can buy tickets to enter but the doors remain shut making it a waste of gold.

The Feywild has three nations who claim control over sections of the realm but the majority of the realm is unclaimed.

RulerSidereal Vizier

Sidereal Vizier is an elf born to a celestial, some may call him an aasimar he and many others believe him to be a true elf. It is commonly thought that Sidereal if he isn't the most powerful mage in the Feywild he is close to it. He is 9ft1) tall and in remarkable form, his skin a window into the stars.. literally.. mostly dark blue with recognisable nebulas and constellations of stars glow and twinkle over him.

RulerContested, no clear ruler

King Magnus was a faerie through and through, a common warning given to visitors was to be careful what you say and be even more so with what you wish. It is often debated whether a deal with a devil or fae is worse, Magnus' power was a strong point for fae being worse, but with enough good will and correct wording Magnus was very rewarding to those who spent their time asking for exactly what they wanted.

Contested, with the fall of King Magnus, leadership fell to his children Prince Amatheon and Princess Adelina but neither taking the throne as Amatheon had died during the attack on Magnus and Adelina fleeing to the material plane. The throne has been contested ever since, many try to claim it and many more fall.

RulerOleander Dragon

Oleander Dragon is often mistaken by newcomers as a flowering topiary, Oleander also known as Nerium the Petal Dragon. While there is a throne she prefers to spend her time and host meetings and visitors within the gardens. She rarely speaks and when she does it's usually only a word or two, finding speech underwhelming and limited in expressing thoughts and emotions.

12294 - Florale Thorn War begins
Details of how the war began

12297 - Florale raids Thorn borders
Princess Adelina and Prince Amatheon of the Thorn Throne defect to la Cour Florale after la Cour Florale raids a Thorn Throne border and atrocities committed by the Thorn Throne are shown to the Princess and Prince.

12316 - Florale Thorn War ends
With death of King Magnus of the Thorn Throne and Prince Amatheon, the war between the two nations end. The Thorn Throne enters a state of unrest as there is no longer a clear line of succession, many fight for the throne and those who claim it only last a matter of months.

In the many years that followed many conspiracy theories arose, most unfounded and with little evidence include that the war was a result of the Nine Hells colluding with the Thorn Throne after its failed invasion of Mor-Thir. Others suggest la Cour Florale fabricated the war crimes committed by the Throne to further Orelander's personal goals. A recent but growing theory from Felwind simply points to the chaotic nature of the Feywild and nations trying to bring law to the realm fell to the Feywild's will toward chaos however the opposition suggests that it's ridiculous to claim the Feywild has a will of its own

  • planes/feywild.1695942800.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Cinder