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Queen's day

Back to Stories , More about Welington
Written by: Sammy

A story leading up to the events of Ascention of Narkul

The Lady of Oxtrad aroused from sleep by tormenting dreams. Alone in her bed, in her bedroom, the size of some farmer's family house.
Welington lay there blinking awake, her mind still swirling with dreams of the night. pulling herself up against her will, Wanting to remain in that dream world despite its horrors.
Elves don't sleep, But the Queen merely takes their form. Most infrastructure is not designed to accommodate Chromatic Dragons. Welington sat amongst the silk sheets, her snow white hair draping an otherwise exposed body, Inspecting the runic text scrawled across her body, covering her limbs, torso and back. She ran a finger over a line close to her shoulder, uttering a soft word in Draconic, Light.
The soft glow of heatless light filled the room from various crystal torches, Officially bringing the Queen into the waking world a yawn escaped her, stretching and shuffling to the edge of the bed. “Another Day begins”

Welington stood, Walking to her closet, looking to the front door, Knowing there were the servants waiting to be summoned. The biting chill of Oxtrad's climate hardly noticed by its Queen. She would be dressed with the fine cloths custom tailored for her figure.
She was there longer than most women, unable to decide on the best outfit. It was an important day, Important members from another nation were arriving today and she needed to make a good impression. their land had recently come under civil conflict and this would be an opportunity to discuss the future of Oxtrad and Reton.
It had been many years since Welington had met the King and queen of Reton face to face. the last meeting was during that trial for the members of Blinding Spear.

“Assistance!” The queen called and the servants responded, rushing into the queens chambers.
“Y yes my Queen, How may we assist you this morning?” the four of them stood shoulder to shoulder awaiting the Queen's request. She stood well over all the servants, A towering woman. A dragon may take any form they choose and this is Welington's preferred form outside her true look. Naked before them, Their eyes focused on their Queen's face, dare not stray lower. Yet this was common for the Queen, As a Dragon she held little shame in front of those she leads

Welington asked the servants “The floral growl, the one I wore for the Oclot ball several years ago. Please have it prepared for tomorrow evening's party”
The servants bowed and did as instructed, Taking down off its perch as one of them delicate took it away. the other three left standing awaiting further instructions.
Welington gently walked into her wardrobe scanning the myriad of garments available, something to meet the leaders, sturdy, dignified, easy to move around in.
No armour, she wanted to keep her look off battle, Seductive not lethal.
“There!” Welington stopped. A stylish dress that shone like a dusk sky, Stars filled its cloth, coloured a dark blue purple of the young night sky. Shoulder-less, A slit in the dress to expose her legs, and long, it carried along the ground much like her own hair. “This one, I would like this fitted this morning”

The Morning dragged on as usual, Everything was in place for the Queen's departure to Reton.

The days monotony was interrupted by a shrill voice. “Hellooooooo my dearest Queen, a pleasure to catch you this morning”
Welington rolled here eyes with a grunt. she knew that voice all too well. one of the guild leaders. She turned around to greet him only to be greeted with two other leaders. “Guild masters….this is most improper to be chasing your queen down so early. what have you of me?”
Guild masters Enot, Crosset and Jena. the three of them each head of one of the 9 guilds in Oxtrad, each governing their own city. Welington never got along with any of the Guild masters even before she was Queen, They were corrupt and self centered, each believing they were worthy… their right to lead all of Oxtrad.
Ever since the war ended their usefulness has been shrinking, Helpful during the aftermath of the war but now in peace time they were glorified tax collectors.
Enot, Short with a thin mustache, chubby yet his face hugged his skull tightly, A tall powdered wig sat on his head, the one in the middle spoke up after bowing. “ Queen, have you given our proposal any thought? we speak for all the guild Masters and agree it is the best course of action.”
Welington raised an eyebrow in confusion. “My apologies Enot….what proposal? I have been very busy and it seems to have slipped my mind”
The three looked a bit insulted, Coughing and regaining their compotioer before Crosset spoke, A larger man in everyway, braded beard dressed in military garb. “My dearest Queen, our proposition about you taking up…a Suitor. It is improper for Queen to rule alone.”

Ah yes. A few weeks ago the Guild masters had made a formal letter detailing their ideas and concerns about her rule. Welington has been Queen of Oxtrad since the start of the Ashlem war, for over 70 years. The law in Oxtrad is that any citizen may take the crown, they only need to best the current leader in combat. No one yet successful. The Guild masters could never face a Chromatic dragon so instead a more sinister diplomatic idea was born.
In Truth Welington was looking for a way out, Her rule over Oxtrad has been long, most of it in war-time. She believes her time as Queen has almost run its course but this was not the way, To marry herself off.

Welington stepped forward, imposing the Guild Masters. “There is only one throne in Oxtrad, Only place for one ruler in these lands, There is no place…no room for more.”
there was silence as the Master's eyes darted between each other looking for support until Welington spoke again.
“However…call your Queen curios, I think it would at least be entertaining to see what specimens you think are worthy to take my claw in marriage. Once I return from Reton I shall humor your request.”
The Three lit up in mood. “Ohh thank you, Thank you your majesty. your consideration is most honorable. We will of course need your acceptance in writing. ”
Welington sighed, Agreeing “Yes yes I will send you my acceptance signed and sealed before I leave.” And with that she left the masters in the Hall.

-Walk through the castle and streets

-Meeting the Reton Royals

-Disscussion with King and queen of Reton

-the next day

-The evening

-Reton Royals returning


  • After independence being declared by Greyhawk would the Reton royals accept an invite from the Queen of Oxtrad or would it make more sence for the Queen to visit Reton?
  • The invitation would be to the King and Queen of Reton as well as their immediate family (Children) but would the children come too?
  • How are the king and queen of reton personality wise?
  • story/queens_day.1680057810.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 15 months ago
  • by Cinder