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Ravi's Service

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Written by: Sammy
Grand Opening | Home | Ravi's Promise

In a flash the rest of the fellowship was gone, leaving Ravi, Remington and Undead Sindri alone with the great blue dragon Dyndryd and the Lich Narkul. Ravi eyes darting between the two as her pulse increased, gripping her sword tighter as her Giant Eagle Remington stood on alert behind her, wings outstretched and eyes like daggers meeting the dragon's own with intent to kill.
Ravi had nothing to bargain with now, she could only pray that Narkul had some sort of honor, that his words were not a ruse, She let out a deep breath to calm her mind.
Outnumbered and hopelessly out gunned Ravi's thought carefully, Without panic, trying to figure out the best way to deal with both a Dragon and Lich, The towns people were no help, The only exit was blocked, Then the dead face of Narkul turned to her. “I am sure you may relax, even a little now, we have our terms, I may be many things but I don't stray from a deal” Narkul wandered over to inspect the newly risen Sindri causing Ravi to find her voice.
“Don't touch him!”
A small chuckle escaped Narkul before speaking “Pardon? you are in no position to be barking orders, now be a good mutt and stay quiet….besides, as i have been told this Gnome was not very kind to you, or any of them for that matter, He will serve everyone better as the lifeless husk he has become”
Ravi lost her nerve as her stance softened and her sword lowered. “I…I wasn't very easy to get along with..” She fell back against Remington as the rush of exhaustion filled her body, her wounds beginning to take their toll. Remington also softening his stance. “ ..I probably deserve it…even this…my way of saying sorry… I guess”
Narkul clicked his fingers, summoning some of the towns people to collect Sindri.
“so now what?” Ravi spoke firmly, her ears lowered as her situation began to sink in.
Narkul turned to Ravi with a superior smile, “Now its time to work”

The Journey was long, Damp and dark, Ravi and Remi spent most of the trip with bags over their heads as they were transported to Narkul's base of operations, Leashed and chained. judging from the smell of the air and the time of the trip She reckoned it was quite a distance from the cavern. The trip spanned several days.
After Narkul teleported away Ravi and Remi were handed over to Narkul's followers with instructions from Narkul himself “Keep an eye on this one, it may be an animal but its wild, cunning and strong, do not let her or the bird out of your sight, understand?!”
“y yes Lord Narkul, we will not fail you”
“Also, I want her unharmed, she is a great asset to me and I have sacrificed a lot to have her, do not damage my property”

Fitting the bag over Ravi's ears was proving an issue, The idea to remove her ears was quickly scrapped after a violet outburst from Ravi resulted in a henchman loosing the use of their hand, a reminder of Not to harm my property Lead to the bag having holes cut for her ears.
The henchman did not realize but Ravi's ears were not just for show, she had incredible accuracy with them and her nose giving her easy of sight within 30ft of her.
They were on a cart with what seemed a few other prisoners', Remington was shrunk down and placed in a bird cage. There seemed to be 3 carts in total, each drawn by two horses. Sindri was among the ones being transported.

During the trip they only stopped for sleep and meals, The bag was never removed, only raised to feed her and supply her water, her hands and feet were bound so she was unable to do it herself. Conversation was only temporary before her transport got tired of hearing her talk and gagged her. Towards the end of the trip she herd spells being cast as well as several great gates being opened so wherever this was it was well hidden and fortified.

Ravi was lead out of the cart she had called home for a few days and pushed along, through a door, down a corridor, two rights, another door, a left, up some stairs and then she was forced to her knees, tied to the ground. finally the bag was lifted, even the dim light from the torches was enough to make her squint from discomforted. she was in desperate need for a bath and a decent meal.
In front of her was Narkul himself, gesturing for her captors to leave the room, with a swift bow they were gone, the door closing with a solid thud. another figure seemed to appear out of thin air right beside Narkul, tall and slender, dressed in a robe. Ravi wasn't sure if it had now just appeared or she was only just noticing it.
The figure slid across the ground as if it was on ice and grabbed Remi from his cage, causing him the screech in anger and struggle, he was forced into a another cage held by the masked figure. “hey Hey?! Get your hands off Remi!, or-”
“Or what mutt?” Narkul cut her off
Ravi met Narkul's dead eyes with hers, fire in her eyes, eyes meant to kill, not just kill, but slaughter, was this seriously the same groggy weak prisoner that was there a second ago?
“Or I will make you wish you could die, I'll crawl out of hell itself and drag your rotting soul down with me, I'll make you wish you had never come out of your mother's womb, I'll make you want to crawl back inside whatever black pit you rose from I'll” Ravi arged and clawed and struggled and spat.
Once again she was cut off but not by an outburst, but laughter, Narkul laughing loudly.
“Yes! that's what I want, I was worried I had dulled your flame during the journey.” Narkul stood out of his chair and began to walk around the room
“I have no doubt you will do those things..or at least try. I fully expect you to raise all hell to fight whoever were to cross you….You see slave, your fire, your hatred, your fury, its ever burning, its fueled by nothing but the hatred for things done by wrong to you…it makes you…predictable…easy to control. your bloodlust only responds to a very small amount of things, close friends, family, your pet, and yourself. as long as we do not interfere with any of those your fury and wrath will be kept under control and directed, your drive is quite a marvel and I….. hope…. it will help us.”

Ravi was taken back, Was she really so predictable? she agreed that she had an anger issue, everything so far was making sense, and that was scary.

“I'm not stupid slave. I could torture you, I could hold your bird or your family hostage but all that will do is make me the number one target on your hit list, I would rather that energy be used against my enemies. so instead of courting I will instead re-write your mind” Narkul approached Ravi and grabbed her head, his boney rotting fingers clasping onto her skull like cold vices.
Ravi gasped she felt a force was trying to breach her mind. She let out a scream that slowly descended into laughter, again and again Narkul tried to breach her mind but to no avail.

“Your powers seem to be lacking, it was a valiant effort, Bravo but you'll find I, as with most hunters are tough minds to crack. We hunt monsters akin to mind flayers and Apoliths. A simple lich playing King isn't much of a challenge. ”
Narkul turned with a belittling remark as he started to mumble to himself, Stopping as an idea appeared in his mind, In a small flash an item appeared in his hand.
“Then perhaps a simpler way of controlling a wild animal is in order.”
Narkul clasped Ravi's head, Holding her down. He strapped the enchanted collar around her neck.
a burning sensation shot through her body like hot ash as she fell to the ground, coughing up blood. Narkul waved his hand and Ravi's bonds obeyed, Releasing their grip on her.
“Now Kneel Slave”

The Book of Vile Darkness, Quite a legendary item even farmers have herd tales of. The terribly twisted pages of such a book beacon legends and nightmares alike. Ravi had herd of this book many times but had doubted its existence.
“You will be sent to the elemental plane of Air, that is where I believe the book has been lost. You are to retrieve it.”
“ lord” Ravi gagged saying it making Narkul chuckle.

Stepping through the portal Ravi and Remi where left alone.
Out on this floating land mass in what seemed to be endless sky, The wind strong but manageable. Ravi's long red hair blowing in the breeze filling her with a sense of freedom, or at least a longing for it. thinking to herself she only had to put up with this for perhaps a few weeks, or maybe even a month. the other members would come to assist surely…
Remington Nudged Ravi, cawing quietly as they shared a deep embrace for but a moment.
she wiped a tear from her eyes “a..alright….we should get to work.”

Mounting Remington Ravi felt a wave of anticipation. it had been so long since she rode on the wings of Remi. Taking a deep breath and holding on tight she whispered “Lets go”
Remington's wings stretched out in a magnificent display, the wind itself changed direction to favor him a loud war cry erupted from Remi, With Ravi grinning from ear to ear. Remington beats his wings, with force to topple a house, off the land mass and down into the endless sky.

The clouds were thick, the wind strong but it was nothing for a mighty Singora such as Remington, Cutting through the wind as the swords of Greyhawk cut flesh. The wind obeyed his command. always in his favor not matter his direction.
It was hard to gauge direction. the landmass they left was no longer in sight. Ravi had a good idea which direction it was and she was sure they would be more.

After a few more hours of flying the two of them realized they had gotten themselves lost. Remi was still good many days of flying. he like many Singora were capable of flying great distances with no need for rest. The hype of flying had died down, Now they are just gliding over the clouds.
Remington had manipulated the wind so it was not screaming in their ears. the silence was surreal.
Ravi took the opportunity to lay down, looking up as her mind wandered.

The face off with Dyndrid and Narkul, could she have played it better? Ravi did blame herself for how it ended, Sindri getting killed and all she could do is watch. At least Jorgan had the courage..or foolishness' to fight. Ravi told her foe exactly where they were and even invited them.
she was branded a monster long ago, By her own parents. by the people around her. yet when those Blood Hunters found her they gave her a 2nd chance.
How naïve she was, to extend the same sympathy to a mad-man.
Ravi turned to her side curling up in Remington's feathers her throat dry as she tried to hold back her sobbing, To no avail, as the crushing realization of her situation bore its true weight.

All was quiet in the sky, the orange glow of late afternoon bathed the clouds in honeyed rays, The gentle muffle of wind and Ravi's weak sobbing the only things to be herd for the pair…Until-

Ravi's ears flickered and perked up, quiet warning clicks from Remi, Something was out there, They were no longer alone.
Ravi sat up, Wiping her face, clearing her eyes and nose quickly, Carefully scanning the clouds around them, Who else would be out here? Did Narkul send others? perhaps wildlife. Ravi and Remington on full alert, Adrenalin kicking in. Ravi clicked back to Remi Asking him to gently increase their altitude.
Ravi sniffed the air, there was something out here, they were down wind of it. Friend or foe? it was too early to tell. Ravi took a bigger whiff of the unknown scent. Not animal, no bird she had ever encountered, Fresh meat, fruit, water, Body odor. That combination all to familiar. It was a hunting party Ravi was sure of it. But all the way out here? there was no land nearby that they could see. were they also flying?
The ideas raced around Ravi's mind as she tried to decided the best course of action. They were here to find a book perhaps it had been found by someone else?

The sent grew stronger as the minuets passed, Remington was much faster then what ever they were hunting and the gap was closing quickly. Ravi braced herself ready to pounce into action, a hair trigger. everything seemed to become silent, Ravi sensed danger before Remi let out a loud cry.
Ravi gripped onto Remi's feathers and threw her weight, Remington folded his wings as the two of them started to barrel roll down just as several tethered spears shot past them.

Tumbelinging through the clouds for only a few seconds before Renmington's wings shot out, ceasing the decent Ravi looked up to see some sort of ship and shouting. it was hard to hear but it didn't sound like common. A few clicks from Ravi and the two were up, rocketing past the boat throwing it off balance.
Getting a better look at the hunters they seemed tribal in nature, rustic clothes, face paint, Primitive weapons, the boat was wodden but what on Felwind was keeping it afloat?

The light was harsh as Ravi's cell door swung open. “Out! Lord Narkul has another job for you.”
Ravi winced, weak, filthy, hungry she struggled to stand, Must have been taking too long as another two soldiers entered her cell and escorted her out.
Out of the dungeon and into Narkul's room, Thrown on the floor.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Narkul snapped, Not to Ravi but to the soldiers.
The soldiers looking at each other confused. “My Lord? the prisioner…a as you requested.”
Narkul stood from his chair. “ I requested MY prisoner, the Hunter of expert skill, the one who would stare down a Dragon without flinching, the one who will be a key piece in future plans. What you have brought me is some mongrel who looks to be on the edge of death!” It seemed Narkul cast a spell as a flash of arcane energy was quickly followed by pained screams from the soldiers. “She is useless to me in this state. you have 2 days to bring me the Hunter I desire or else..Now! take her to the medic and care for her like your lifes depend on it….cause..They..DO!” Narkul sent the soldiers away with a click.

Next thing Ravi knew she was regaining conscious in a bed with a few mages around her casting some magic. feeling better than earlier she lay their a bit longer enjoying the copfy bed over the cell floor. she even herd Remington nerby putting her worries at ease. There was chatter amongst those around her.
“She is extremely malnourished, poisoned and the wounds have not been treated properly from her last expedition. we will need to keep her until we can remove all infection.”
“How long will that take Doc, Narkul has given her recovery top priority”
“A job she needs to do, we haven't been given any further details “

Ravi's recovery was shortened from 1 week to 2 days, With the mages and doctors giving her round the clock attention she and Remington were combat ready and presented to Narkul once again.
Narkul reading through a book when Ravi entered with Remi on her shoulder. “I am Impressed slave…a lesser man would have perished in that cell suffering the neglect you took….and stronger men would not have been able to bounce back nearly as quickly. Your resilience is impressive, I knew it was right keeping you around.”
Ravi with hand on hip rolled her eyes. “It would have been a lot easier if you had simply treated me properly.”
“You failed in your mission and so had to be punished…I did not intent for it to go that far however I believe its a lesson for all of us.”
“So…what's this job you have for us?” Ravi's ears twitched, perked up ready to listen.

A suite of armor known as Thunder-Plate, AND on this same plane of existence. this was something Ravi was ready and eager to find. the thrill of the hunt surging in Ravi's blood. The thrill dulled slightly when Narkul instructed she was to be followed by some of his personal henchman. The Eye and The Ear, Ravi thought they were stupid names and neither bore likeness to it.
Ravi, Remington, Eye and Ear went to the front gate after packing supplies. “Right, so i am not taking either of you with me on Remi so you gotta find your own ways to keep up.”
The two caught off guard by Ravi's firmness “B, but Lord Narkul said-”
“Said for you to tail me, its your job to keep up not my job to slow this mission down.”
The two looked at each other, Ravi was right. “Fine, we will track you with the collar…where should we meet you?”
Ravi was quiet for a moment, tapping her foot thinking what would be the best course of action. opening her mouth as if to speak but quickly change her mind, Going back to thought. “I..uhhh..alright….no no…umm…AH alright. I am going to Hazelpost in Covania. its where my shop and most of my contacts are…they owe me a few favors and I reckon I can get some knowledge of its location. I have a hunch its located it Reton…so I guess I will meet you in Dragon Keep, that seems the most central.”
Everyone was in agreement, The Ear and Eye mounted their horses as Ravi mounted Remington. “See you in a weekish.”

The city of Dheggrim was a marvel of Dwarven arcatechchure. Built into the mountains of Carfell Rise the cave hummed with the hearty jolliness of Dwawrven culture. Even entering the city was a spectacle. Despite it being within Reton's borders the city was deemed independent most if not all of the cities laws and production were handled in-house. Trade and travel was conducted as if the city was a different country with tight border security although it was mostly for show.
Ravi had little issue entering the city even running into an old acquaintance guarding the gate. The male dwarf was sturdy and well armoured. Well kept black beard and freckled tan complexion.
“hahaaa, I'd rekon Aye recognize that wild fiery hair anywhere” Hollering Ravi down with an enthusiastic wave. Ravi knew him as Grock, His full name being Grockintizer Slatemelter.
Ravi smiled as she hurried over, Overjoyed to see a familiar friendly face. Remington chirped happily. Ravi stood just about the average Dwarf highet, perhaps a tad shorter. not including her large ears. “He Grock, Its been w whi-” Unable to finish her sentence before the Dwarf wrapped his iron grasp around her and pulled her in for an embrace.
“Aye you selfish lass, You haven't the time to say hello a bit more often? hahaa it's good to see you at last” Grock let her down getting a better look at her, His bright smile faded to concern.
“Oie, You looking a bit worse for wear yeah? ” Seeing Ravi's own expression fade to worry Grock looked around for prying eyes before escorting Ravi and Remi to a more private area.

The three of them went down the tunnel into the city then off to a side street less crowded. not saying much until Grock was sure there were no unsavorys' in ear shot.
“Alright Ravi, Whats goin on eyh? You used to be as plump as an apple with a aura that could light up the Underdark, Now your covered in bandages, Shinny as ah twig and….. Well dat fire in your eyes, is gone.”
Ravi didn't respond right way, Not even meeting the Dwarf's gaze as she held one arm with the other, looking down.
“Its….Well….A job I guess…I made a mistake” She took a deep breath, trying to string together a story that didn't sound as bad as it was. “ as payment for my fuck up…I am doing some work to….make it even..I guess.” She took a shy look up at Grock, Seeing his expression it was obvious he knew she wasn't telling the full story.

Grock let out a sigh. “Well…if ya guess…I 'Guess' you have it under control yea?” He let a big reassuring smile cross his face and patted Ravi on the shoulder.
She turned away “Y ye-ah” Her voice breaking, Holding back emotions.
Grock's grip on her shoulder tightened as a wave of worry flooded his mind. “hey? you are alrite? Lass?”
Ravi repeated still unable to face the Dwarf “yea” A whisper and Grock caught a shimmer of water running down her face.
Worry turned to fear as Grock gripped her arm and pulled her close, Forcing her to face him. “Aye?! Ravi Wa-” He stopped caught off guard. Ravi unable to hide, Tears streaming from her eyes as she whimpered desperately holding back her despair. “You ain't alright at all”
Ravi went weak as she fell into Grock's embrace once again. Sobbing into the dwarf's chest. Grock wrapped his arms around her tightly stroking her hair, Thoughts buzzing around his mind. Softly swearing in Dwarfish as the severity of the situation became more clear.

He sat down with her for a while, Letting her release the sadness she had built up Remington quietly resting on her shoulder. after Ravi had calmed down Grock held her firmly by the shoulders. “Now, Here's what's gonna happen. Yer gonna come home with me. We are gonna cook a feast. Ima invite some more friendly faces around. you are gonna eat ya fill eh? then more after. Me wife doesn't enjoy leftovers ya hear?” He chuckled with a big smile getting a small chuckle out of Ravi.
Grock helped Ravi to her feet. “Then ya gonna sleep in the guest room and sleep in. after all that. den we will talk about fishing you out of ya fuck up?”
Ravi opened her mouth about to protest but Grock snapped “And there ain't gonna go any differently ya hear?!”
Ravi paused for a moment. wiping her face. “Y yea…I hear…thank you”

The three of them went further into the city. Every street was alive with chatter and activity. The smell of hot metal filled the air, Despite the presence of so many forges the place was not unpleasantly hot, Probably due to the expert ventilation systems designed by the city.
Though it was a Dwarven city Ravi spied a few other species mingling about. She guessed either traders or friends such as herself, She did notice there seemed to be a lot more activity than last time she was here.

Reaching Grock's home was almost a fairy tale. It reminded her of her own home, Calm, cosy and full of love.
Grock introduced Ravi to his brother, Shuckl. Younger brother, A tad less tonned and not as well kept beared. Shuckl told them how he just finished work and was going to hit the bath house causing Ravi 's ears to perk up. She hadnt had a proper bath in some months.
Ravi was then introduced to Grock's wife Toraz and while they chatted a bit Grock pulled his brother aside and gave him a bit of info about the situation with Ravi.
“Aye so can I count on ya? Just watch out for her, she is normally more than a capable warrior but I dunno, Somethings got her down, Real down. I wanna try leviate this trouble”
Shuckl banged his fist to his chest “Aye you can count on me brother. I have herd the mates at the forge swap stories of the blazing hair shifter with bird in tow. It will be an honour to have me own stories to share. She is a tight friend to us here in Dheggrim.” Remington was left at the house not eager to take him for a public bath. Toraz giving him plenty of care.

After a bit more mingling Shuckl asked Ravi to come with him to the Bath house. Give Grock and Toraz room to set up the feast of tonight.

on the way there Ravi spoke up “So I have been here a number of times, worked even lived here for a time but I have never seen the city this busy…anything big going on?”
Shuckl put an arm around her and brought her in close while they walked “Aye that is tru. Our leader has decided to host a tournament this year, The first of its kind in Dheggrim. Pitting strength against strength in a contest of battle.”
Ravi was confused. “Like a gladiator arena? but there is no place like that in Dheggrim….is there?”
“Yah, One of the dried out mines has been converted into a makeshift arena over the past year. its far from gracious but its an arena none the less”

They went on a bit, Shuckl mentioned if the Contest was successful enough the arena would be made permanent. and that most contestants are actually people from all over Reton, Hardly any home town Dwarves have entered, Looking to spend the day enjoying the fight with good food, Drink and company rather then get beat up for others entertainment.
Ravi caught the grand cathedral a few blocks away, Standing tall with the symbol of the Stonewife carved into the face of it. A holy place for worshipers of Ulaa, Common among Dwarves and Gnomes. The thoughts brought up Sindri. He was one of Ulla's Paladins. She wondered if he had any family that should know of his death?

Eventually the pair reached the bath house, Much more ornate that your average settlement. It was mostly made of stone with some lavish rock decoration and lots of metal, Even decent modern plumbing with options for hot and cold water. She assumed because the Dwarves were often covered in dirt and rock they needed sturdy places to clean up.
Shuckl put a firm hand on Ravi's shoulder. “Alrit, Ladies down that end. I'll give ya en hour and meet ya back here.”
He dug into a pocket and pulled out a small pouch that jingled with coins. “Oh and ear. to enjoy yourself in our fair city”
Ravi shook her head. “No no I couldn't. I have money. I will be fine.”
Shuckl forced the pouch into Ravi's pawn. “Den if you got coin, ya can shout me an Ale at the pub tomrow ey?”

Before Ravi could protest further Shuckl had left.
Ravi asked the host of the house what they offered, Picking a hot shower and high ended bathing products to wash her fur of the blood and grime that had been accumulating over the past month.
Inside most of the lady dwarves were walking around mostly naked. It caught her off guard at first but quickly adapting and pushing the embarrassment down.
She undressed at the counter inside the showering area, feeling a bit silly. The Dwarf behind the counter didn't seem to even flinch as if she had seen it all before. Ravi asked for her clothes to be cleaned as well as her gear, The Dwarf nodded and took them without a word.
Ravi turned around constantly catching herself trying to cover up. No, Be strong, don't show shame. She sighted a stall and made a beeline for it. not looking anywhere else and not realising she was walking rather fast. Flung open the door to find it already occupied.
The lady Dwarf with blonde hair and fair skin turned to Ravi with a raise eyebrow. “So? you looking to join me? I'm sorry lass but I am not into furries, You'll have to shower alone tonight.” Using her thumb to gesture to the stall next door.
Ravi froze for a bit before nodding rapidly . “ah uh..yes sorry, my apologies ah geeze sorry” before closing the stall with more force than necessary. She quickly scurried over the the next stall and pretty much dove inside locking the door behind her.

Once the adrenalin wore off Ravi began to relax, trying to figure out how to make the water work. She had only ever had a shower a few times before but each set up was different. Eventually she got it going as the warm rain melted away the dirt, blood and stress, sliding to the floor.
But se wasn't able to completely relax. she still had a job to do.

Ravi spent the next few days away from her situation. enjoying good food and drink with friendly faces. Learning about the upcoming tournament and the location of the item she was here to obtain.

Eventually while she was down an alley the Ear and Eye approached her like silent thorns.

Mounts went by without anything of interest happening, Menial labour and chores. Ravi had the opportunity to leave the camp constantly as she was the best hunter the cult. It was during this out time she would train in secret, Building her skills and strength.
Her hope for rescue was slowly dwindling. There was no signs of the fellowship to come save her. At first she was angry but that slowly turned to self acceptance, Who would want to save the one that caused the mess in the first place?

One dreadfully wet morning Narkul personally came to Ravi with a 'Request' as if she had a choice in the matter. Retrieve the body of someone lost in the Far Realm. An easy enough job in a hard to reach place. But Narkul seemed to have his ways.

“If its so simple why don't you send one of your other underlings?” Ravi spoke with a bit of sass.
Narkul straightened up “I have and none have returned. You are possibly my most capable who is also somewhat expendable.”

once Ravi had recovered and was back in fighting form the big one was asked, a sword of Greyhawk known as backtalker, located in the heart of the capital.

The Feat seemed impossible for her. a task much more situate to a sneakier individual. So Ravi went about owing a favor to NAME.

With the blade wrapped up ready to hand over Ravi stood before Narkul as he spoke there seemed to be something different in his tone. Excitement? “It has been so long since I have been able to wield my blade. You have proven farm more loyal and valuable then I thought possible by such a lower being.”
The blade outstretched but just before he could grab it Remi squawked and Ravi pulled it back. ”Wait, Before I reunite you two I want something in return for this.”
There eyes meet for a long pause before Narkul bellows a hearty laughter. “The sword lives to its name, Not ever given without giving something in return. And here I was thinking you had finally learned your place yet your stubbornly strong will prevails. even going so bold as to deny me what is rightfully mine!” Narkul steps forward, imposing his presence over Ravi. “Then speak! at least let me hear what request has made you so rash.”

Ravi stood unflinching, Remi perched on her shoulder fluffed up ready to strike, Fire in their eyes. “I wanna see Sindri.”

Narkul was silent, The Gnome had never crossed Ravi's lips in all her time here. Why now? it was perplexing and caught him off Guard. Rather than answering directly Narkul side stepped. “ Remember you swore your service in exchange for the safety and freedom of your comrades. I have overlooked your deviance all these months as you are a wild beast yet to be tamed. However. It seems there maybe you never intended to serve me as so you claimed?.”

Ravi spat at the ground. “To hell with the fellowship! I see now it was a mistake to offer my life for theirs. They can rot for all I care! nary a pep I have herd from any of them.” Her ears lowered it was obvious it hurt saying that out loud, As if she was finally accepting it.

Narkul smiled a wicked smile. “See there beast, you cannot rely on friends or loyalty. Only fear and absolute control can ensure a stable relationship. I ruled this land for years yet they all turned on me when I became something more than i was. you yourself have surely experienced defiance and hatred for simply being who you are?”

Ravi stood their silently, Stroking Remi for comfort, not meeting Narkul's gaze. She was silent for a few minuets fore simply handing the sword to Narkul. “I would like to see Sindri just me Remi and him, alone for 30 mins.”

Ravi was put back on general duties, starting to get the ear and the eye more personally, it had been several months and Ravi was still wondering when the fellowship was going to rescue her.
“you want me to what?!” Delta shouted as her next task was to rangle some beholders, Delta tried to explain just how dangerous beholders were which was met with the same simple reply as before. so instead she requested some extra muscle, Dragons were one thing but beholders could warp reality and Delta might be able to slay one, but capture and contain would be a different story. she requested 2 months to devise a plan for capture and containment of the beholders.

It just so happens one of the Beholder's lairs contained a fair amount of Luna dust.

It happened when Narkul was gone, A raid by her Dwarven friends, Cut down a portion of Narkul's cult and freed Ravi as well as cutting the collar off her. But Ravi wasn't free just yet. The favour for retrieving Backtalker was called in and Ravi had to journey to Promise To fufil a Bragain with Blacklist

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  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Cinder