“The price of potions is too dam high” those are the words that set Cinder on the path to make her own company. One that's purpose would be to craft and sell potions at a reasonable price, Potions for the working class not just for the adventurers and the wealthy.
Potions that don't taste like vinegar and slime.

Devil's Brew is a traveling shop owned by Cinder, a small time business for the moment she goes from town to town selling her dairy based potions.
The gimmick is that these potions are not as effective as your normal potion, they are a fraction of the cost and taste much better.

A normal potion of healing heals for (2d4+2) and takes an action to consume, they can also cost 50 Gold or more
A Devil's Brew Potion of healing will heal for (1d4+3) but you may consume it as a bonus action thanks to its quick release caps OR you may take an action to consume it properly and receive the maximum healing possible. All for the low price of 10 Gold per bottle (If bought directly from her)

But Cinder doesn't stop there, Health potions are not the only thing she is brewing. antidotes, potions of resistance, even potions to restore fatigue or grant spell effects, even potions to recover spell slots.

So if you see a well dressed lady selling her home brewed potions why not stop in and have a try.

Brew of Lesser Healing 0Gp - -
Brew of Healing 0Gp - -
Brew of Greater Healing 0Gp - -
Brew of Fantastic Healing 0Gp - -
Brew of Elemental Resistance 0Gp - -
Brew of Elemental Immunity 0Gp - -
Brew of Transformation 0Gp - -
Brew of Greater Transformation 0Gp - -
Brew of Skill Bolstering 0Gp - -

Mor-thir isnt big on tiflings or demons in general, perhaps the name of the store should be changed? OR maybe its the type of risky ideas that will attract more customers.

A very fine and well crafted cart pulled by four horses.

Mostly travels the coast of Reton and dips into the south of Covania

The Cart has a floor space of 10ft wide, 15ft Long (3m x 4.6m)

It is outfitted with the following tools.

  • Alchemist Tools
  • Glass Blower's Tools
  • Herbalism Kit

Allowing a creature within the cart to use the tools they are proficient in

  • business/devil_brews.txt
  • Last modified: 19 months ago
  • by Cinder