1 - D&D
Singsong, Mackenzie, Bemin and Stem form a group and are contracted to deliver supplies from Whitkin to Meford, but things don’t go as smoothly as one might think.

2 - D&D
After a successful delivery the group enjoy a night of bar games where Caelynn joins the group and pick up a contract to kill bandits on the road between Whitkin and Meford.

3 - D&D
A stray cat is found and the group capture a few bandits turning them in, they head back out and find the outpost and slaughter the camp, as they leave they find Neo by the side of the road.

4 - D&D
Group returns to Meford turning in the bounties, they travel to Thetford and go shopping.

5 - Forest Fires & Bread Baskets
As the group leaves Thetford Stem finds a magical bread basket and accidentally lights a part of the Greyhawk forest on fire. Just before reaching town the group harasses a dead apple farmer.

6 - Drunkards & Towers
The group arrive to Sestone and after getting very drunk try breaking into Valmos tower, Mack and Singsong steal a boat traveling to Alemor and slaughter some bandits hiding on the island.

7 - Gnolls & Cat
Rest of the group travel to Alemor island where they kill some Gnoll raiders and Singsong eats Caelynn's cat.

8 - Rats & Frogs
Neo finds the group who save Teo and Mithrandir. Leaving Singsong and Mackenzie behind, Bemin nearly dies to a ghost and Zaharel a druid working for a man named Guthber is slain.

9 - Severed Heads & Rifts
After saving Carric from Zaharel the group delve deeper and enter the caves under the monastry, finding and attacking Guthber who in search of the Hand of Narkul.

10 - Cards & Fates
The group travel into the rift and find the Tome of the Far Realm and a Deck of many things, which spells disaster and fortune to the group as Carric is slain by an avatar of Death and Gashadokuro now hunts Caelynn.

11 - Relaxation & Black Knight
Group travel north to Sabresteel after 10 weeks of down time and hearing about ruins containing treasure and rumors of another portal.

12 - Lost Coin & Riddles
The group arrive in Sabresteel, Teo loses his coin pouch after a failed robbery. They travel back south on foot to the ruins and find some magical items and potions.

13 - Found Coin & Bandits
After resting in the ruins they travel back north and take the turn off to the portal where they took down a small group sent to kill Heleste in Whitkin, the group continue the path find the portal and clear the area, Teo finds some of his lost coin and Bemin runs off after a near death experience with a giant constrictor.

14 - Fireballs & Paladin
…where to start. Ironhide is sent by Ulaa to cleanse the land of foulness, Valerie gets a loyal clone, the town gets partly blown up and Illegal enchantments are performed.

Special - Christmas 2018
One Shots

15 - Travel & Demons
The group travel from Sabresteel to Whitkin following the road most of the way but when they deviate find an old overgrown road guarded by a devil that has a resemblance to Dave Grohl.

16 - Oozes & Trade
The group teleport to Sestone, travel to Alemor and enter the Far Realm fighting oozes while Guthber and Prof.Stem make a trade. They also rescue Souno as they leave the Far Realm.

17 - FIREBALL & Guthber
Guthber a crispy boi now.

18 - Civil & War
The group exit the Far Realm and close the portal behind them finding themselves in a burnt section of the Greyhawk forest just a days journey East of Sestone.

19 - Skeletons & Wishes
Closed the burnt forest portal and the Alemor island portal. Traveled north to Sabresteel portal and closed it. Valerie and Ray drew the final cards from the deck of many things.

20 - Keeps & Goblins
The group travel south of Sabresteel to reopen the portal and search for missing people and adventures on the otherside they found a Black Dragon group gave into the dragon's demands and left closing the portal behind themselves. After collecting their reward they set out at night to find Carric's Keep which had a small group of goblins that had setup camp.

21 - Zombies & Ghosts
The group enter the keep finding zombies on the ground floor and Ironhide has a close call with a Beholder in the basement, Teo shoots Rose in the back and then the group are haunted by a pair of ghosts. Jorgan found a large tapestry that he took back to town to sell.

22 - Mimics & Beholder(s)
Cleared out top floor of the Keep, finding many mimics and a pair of Necromancers. They then prepared to raid the basement where a Beholder is protecting a vault door, Mithrandir snuck down alone and instantly died, the rest of the group charged down killing the beast and Teo triggered a trap that summoned a duplicate from his blood, duplicate Teo was quickly killed and shortly after Rose took the blood from the Beholder and triggered the trap again this time summoning the Beholder.

23 - Vault & Loots
Killed the second beholder after it petrified Souno and giving a few others close calls, collapsing a pair of pillars and destroying the roof. After killing it the vault unlocked while most ran back upstairs, Rose, Jorgan and Zyllis entered the vault managing to retrieve the items before collapsing.

24 - Whitkin & Griffon
After clearing the keep Ironhide gains Torm and a Griffon under his service. Ironhide also arranges repairs and cleaning of the keep. Two new adventurers, Victoria and Demaratos join the group set out to Whitkin where Rose gets in trouble with the Sea Spire.

25 - Lost Hand & Dead Duke
Rose escapes the Great Sea Spire and returns to main land. Ironhide has lost the Hand of Narkul. Teo assassinantes Duke Federic. Demaratos makes an old and lone farmer disappear.

26 - Cultists & Trades
Teo trades the Hand of Narkul to the Cult of Narkul while the rest of the group travels north to investigate Toumond Estate where a group of cultists were searching the rubble and a ranger escapes, Caelynn finds a badly burnt notebook containing items to assist with a ritual.

27 - Ulaa & Not West
Ironhide and the party receive a personal visit from Ulaa on their way back to Whitkin informing them the hand is moving west of Whitkin, Once in town they have a very uneasy meet up with Teo and discover that Heleste's shop and home destroyed and the proceed North.

28 Rifts & OldTree
After passing the town of Rustille the group decide to do a 180 and travel into the Greyhawk forest where they find Caelynn's hometown with a large rift in the center and all but two members enter the rift where they are faced by a large skeleton army, the two who did not enter Teo and Demaratos travel North again to the town of OldTree where they find the Reton Empire getting ready to 'cleanse' the towns of Greyhawk from Outlawed races.

Special - Murders & Attacks
One Shot that occurs during sessions 26 to 29, where Duke Myghell's personal guard take care of some tasks.

29 - Gashadokuro & Fire traps
The group fight Gashadokuro in the far realm almost defeating him before he vanished, after which the group travel through the portal they saw Sovereign go through as they find themselves in an enclosed room with notes and medical equipment. As they try to leave they set of a trap which set the building ablaze.

30 - Library & Tension
Everyone escapes the library and assist with putting out the blaze but as it clears the portal is still open and opens further as Gashadokuro comes through but is killed by Ironhide and the card in Caelynn's possession disappears. Teo tries to make am mends with Ironhide.

31 - Bemin & Pinga's
After reuniting the group discuss with Adah and Temple who have a lead in the Marsh as Teo gets a lead at Ruststille. They set off towards the town and find the town brainwashed and lead the group to Pinga's where they find Seeker selling Lizardfolk slaves, one of which is Bemin, Ironhide distracts Seeker and starts an attack on the Monastery.

32 - Infinite Room & Lizardfolk
The group fight and start to clear the Monastery, Jorgan briefly gets caught in an infinite room in the basement as a Ironhide manages to calm an approaching lizardfolk army, after regrouping they head up to the roof where they find a ritual summoning in progress.

33 - Banishment & Summoning
A fight breaks out on the roof where the group fought the Ear and Seer, the Ear was pushed off the tower but seemingly survived meanwhile Seer was caught by Ironhide's Griffon and in hope of killing Ironhide banished the Griffon causing the two to fall 160ft killing Seer, a summoned Erinyes provides trouble to Teo and Gaze.

34 - Floating Island & Narkul
The group crack the secret to the infite room and find Narkul has been summoned Ros falls and accepts Narkul's deal to join him and is tasked to convert or capture the rest of the party.

35 - Split Party & Plane Shifting
Ironhide and Victoria try to fight against Narkul by themselves as Teo goes missing, Ravi comes across the floating island and pleads to save Ironhide and Victoria's lives but failed as they are plane shifted away.

36 - Narkul & Sovereign
Rose is sent after Ironhide and Victoria, Rose is thrown off the island. Ironhide returns with Drusilia as Victoria is left behind by her own will. The remaining group fight against Narkul after he teleported his followers away. Narkul is killed and Sovereign is captured.

37 - Twists & Turns
Interogating Sovereign and Ironhide, Ravi, Souno, & Sovereign head to OldTree. Leaving Demaratos and Drusilia behind.

38 - Regroup & Resupply
Everyone meets up in OldTree and prepare to set out into the Marsh.

39 - Marsh & Stone Birds
Using Ironhide's Griffin and Ravi's Giant Eagle the group are able to fly over the marsh, avoiding the dangers below with exception of camping at night. On the second day the group discover two small birds that were turned to stone, freeing one they were able to learn a basilisk stalks the marsh.

40 - Conflict & Visions
Another day of travel through the marsh, during a mid-day stop there was conflict on which way to travel, direct north to the mountain or to Mulburg to try gather more information, Ravi deciding to split from the group trying to take Sovereign with her started heading towards Mulburg while the rest of the group headed North. In the evening Drusilia receieved a dream about a book bound by bark and Demaratos met with his Patron who warned of great power hidden in Redkiln that Narkul plans to unleash.

41 - Divination & Hydra
Jorgan catches up to the group. Ironhide detects divination magic floating above Sovereign. The group finds a statue of a man freeing Alucard and joining the group. Ravi follows the Basilisk tracks rejoining the group. A fight breaks out with a Hydra.

42 - Flames & Falls
After defeating the Basilisk they discover Sovereign has broken free and a fight ensues. Aftermath of the fight left a dead Griffon, and critcally wounded Ironhide and Sovereign. After reviving Ironhide, Alucard draws a teleportation circle taking the group to his manor in Mulburg to plan their next course of action.

43 - Manor & Mulburg
After teleporting to Alucard's Manor in the early night and they are met with unknown faces but is quickly defused when the Manor's caretaker arrives, The group settle down cleaning themselves of the swamp and having fine meals while Sovereign attempts an escape but is recaptured and secured by Alucard for the night. In the morning most of the group explore the city and purchase supplies.

44 - Outlaws & Alicorn
Souno retrieves his upgraded bow, Ravi and Jorgan discover bounties for the outlawed races. Ravi collects details of the bounties, Jorgan breaks a Tiefling out of jail both narrowly escaping but fleeing seperately from authorities, Jorgan manages to hide in Alucard's Manor. Ravi who witnessed the escape is brought in for questioning and is placed under surveillance, but soon after leaves the city in search of the outlawed races. Alucard receieves an exclusive contract for a young Black Dragon. Drusilia reincarnates Audax the Griffon into an Alicorn as the group dubs themselves as the Fellowship of the Alicorn. Alucard sends a message to Ravi to organise a meeting.

45 - Knights & Dragon
The Fellowship sets out into the marsh, to search for Dyndryd in the North, taking Alucard's contract for a young black dragon a day North-East of Mulburg. Ravi finds the Knights of Palus and after an uneasy discussion agree to go their seperate ways, the following morning the fellowship continues their search for the dragon after their search leads them back to the Knights Drusilia casts Detect Magic seeing that Burldries gives off a Conjuration essence attacks him with a Lightning Bolt which Alucard follows up with a Fire Bolt. Burldries retaliates by spraying acid over a few of the fellowship.

46 - Negotiations & Trolls
Drusilia and Alucard bargain for their lives with Burldries as they agrees to spare their lives if the kill Dyndryd, Burldries takes a vial of blood from the two and find the location of Dyndryd's hut in the mountains.

47 - Kobolds & Mountains
After spending a day preparing the group set out North toward the mountain range and the location they were given for Dyndryd from Burldries, during the search for Dyndryd the Fellowship found three Kobolds each carrying a large sack of dead critters. After terrifying the Kobolds the fellowship continued North where Ravi detected thousands of humanoids coming from within a mountain with a small hut on the side. After they reached the hut an elderly man introduced himself as Dyndryd the Eternal and offered the group tea and polite conversation. Growing suspicious Drusilia cast detect magic and found an enchantment over the him, the group left Alucard and Drusilia alone in the hut with Dyndryd. Outside the remaining group found Kobold tracks leading to the edge of the mountain but didn't continue onward or come from anywhere except a stone wall, with another use of detect magic they found a powerful illusion spell on the surface. Drusilia cast two dispells, once on Dyndryd who immediately fell unconcious and the second on the stone revealling a golden tunnel basked in blue light leading to a large cavern lit by blue glowing crystals linked with copper.

48 - Outlawed & Answers
During the exploration of the Golden Caverns, those who etered met a tiefling name Gent who gave a breif tour around and showed how the crystals worked to provide light and heat as there's no smoke or flame in the caverns. During the tour the man in the hut claiming to be Dyndryd awakes with no memory of the past 40+ years claiming to be York, a retired jailer from Ironpoint. After hitting dead ends with trying to arrange a meeting with Dyndryd Ravi forces open the bronze iris and diving down into another cavern, this one littered with ornate art, clothes, statues, objects, etc. Encountering an elvish man very upset that someone broke into his home, Ravi mentioning Narkul peaks his interest and offers to arrange a meeting with him, Ravi agrees.

49 - Dyndryd & Narkul
The group wait a few hours, Narkul arrives, collapsing the only known exit behind himself. the elvish man reveals hims self as Dyndryd and turns into an ancient blue dragon. Narkul offers the group a chance to leave with their lives. Ironhide and Ravi turn themselves over, if they disagree bring them to me else all of the group shall die. Ravi agrees, establishing a business partnership with Narkul and guaranteeing everbody's safety except Ironhide's. Ironhide hands himself over along side Jorgan, both of which as soon as everyone else gets to safety try attacking Narkul, Ironhide is quickly defeated being risen as an undead servant, while Jorgan barely escapes. After those events without any leadership the group splits and pursue their own goals.

50 - Epilogue

  • c1/sessions.txt
  • Last modified: 20 months ago
  • by Kyle