Rise of Narkul

A month has passed since the confrontation in the Golden Caverns, a secret underground city north of the Mulburg Marsh home to Dyndryd, an ancient blue dragon. Where Ravi gave her services to Narkul and the death and turning of Ironhide to an undead form. Leaving the Fellowship of the Alicorn without leadership, they disbanded after exiting the caverns.

Drusilia, Ray, and York travelled with Audax back to Greyhawk Keep whereupon returning to the Keep, they meet Heleste. Dru and Heleste exchanged as much information as they knew of Narkul and the hand. Heleste using this information continues research into Narkul and the hand as he starts work on a ritual for banishing Narkul if finding and destroying the phylactery isn’t possible.

Ray spends her time with York and Torm. Ray successfully grew a few apple trees, selling them as “Ravi's Reds” in honour of the sacrifice Ravi made to save the group. York pushes himself out of retirement to help where he can with managing the Greyhawk Rebellion and with helping grow forces against Narkul. Torm continues looking after the Keep and its grounds, helping design and build a shrine to Ironhide in a small chapel to Ulaa the Stonewife and Lady Greyhawk.

Jorgan and Souno travelled to Queenstown. No idea what became of them.

Demeratos headed west to Redkiln, a city where three large churches fight for control of the city. Demeratos following the words of his patron Keres, lead him underneath the city. He finds a Balor, a large demonic fiend. Imprisoned under the city, the Balor held by large silver chains and a stream of sea water keeping it quelled. After spending a few months in the city, he sets it free, gaining it as a formidable ally.

Alucard returned to his manor is Mulburg, where he holds Sovereign hostage. He returns to his former life of contract work while researching Sovereign and the Hand of Narkul. Through his research tries to help himself and clear his debt with Burldries, a young black dragon.

Neo continues her job a tavern in Sestone performing music to patrons. She receives food and shelter as payment and as thanks for saving the owner’s daughter from Alemor island.

After being sent to the elemental plane of air and meeting a man named Akuma, Victoria stays in the plane, blissfully unaware of the happenings of the material plane.

Bemin stayed at Pinga’s during the relief efforts with help from followers of the Wild Mother. Large roots and vines have grown to and from the island connecting it to the ground. Soon after Bemin set out into the world seeking healing and a quieter life.

During Ravi’s service to Narkul. She retrieved various artifacts for him including two swords of Greyhawk, Back Talker and Last Quip, she also retreives the Codex Terragnosis, a book bound by bark, said to have sway over nature itself. After these and many lesser items, Narkul arranges a deal with a Professor from the Great Sea Spire to allow Ravi to leave Narkul’s charge. Before leaving to Exilis, she learns one of Narkul’s plans and sends a message to Greyhawk Keep.

  • c1/epilogue.txt
  • Last modified: 20 months ago
  • by Kyle