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Ashlem War
The Nine Hells
3? 4?
6? 7?
Moranon's Gate

Ashlem War Session 0
Character Creation

The Nine Hells Chapter I
After sudden flashes of red lightning Elowy, Maze, Brigs, and Sir Jeffard found themselves on the roof of a tower in the Nine Hells, fighting off demons they descended the tower escaping attacks from above, below they encountered a blind man hanging by hook and chain claiming to be Seer of the Damned, he speaks to group. “Woe to you, far from home. For Asmodeus sends his beasts with wrath. Seek Moranon's Gate for time is short”, the group gathers that they are in Malsheem, a city in Nessus, ninth circle of Hell. Ruled by Asmodeus, Prince of Evil. Enquiring about Moranon's Gate the Seer advised that it is their way home, past a river of red, at the end where they may fall.

Continuing down the tower, sneaking and fighting their way out. They emerge into the city of ruin, horns blaring they see gates out of the city begin to close. Using their skills and abilities the group carved a path to one of the city gates, reaching one after a fight they take a moment as Sir Jeffard wishes them luck on their escape but his place remains in the city, helping others brought into the city to escape. Elowy, Maze and Brigs continued on their way, toward a lone and out of place building for the hells.

? Chapter II

  • c8/sessions.1728959745.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 months ago
  • by Kyle