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Cinder's Quick Referance Guide for Gameplay
Passive Abilities
Active/Combat Abilities
Equipment Abilities
Infusions & Mutagens
Infusions Known
- Artificer Level 2: 4 Infusions Known
- Artificer Level 6: 6 Infusions Known
- Artificer Level 10: 8 Infusions Known
- Artificer Level 14: 10 Infusions Known
Total Infusions Crafted
- Artificer Level 2: 2 Infusions Crafted
- Artificer Level 6: 3 Infusions Crafted
- Artificer Level 10: 4 Infusions Crafted
- Artificer Level 14: 5 Infusions Crafted
Background Feature & Details
Skill Proficiencies: History, Acrobatics, Perception
Tool Proficiencies:
Languages: Whatever your previous master/mistress spoke.
- 2 daggers
- light leather pelt
- set of Fine clothes
- small pouch containing 10gp
- Platnium ring engraved
- light cloak
- a bedroll
- a blank Scroll
You were the child of a vampire, natually or adopted or maybe stolen. Your parents raised you well or terribley and they gave you the gift/curse of vampirisum while you were still very young. you have had to live as a vampire for most of your childhood and dealing with all the implications a vampire has to deal with. Benifits or hinderances you may see this all as good or bad.
Still new to the world you have only ever lived in the saftey of your parents house hold. the people you meet have no clue what your true nature is kept under the clever guise put im place by your parents. now you may be out in the world on your own for the first time. you have never needed to hunt for blood yourself and have never needed to make excuses to why you cannot be in direct sunlight.
Your on your own now and you must decided how to live as a monster among mortals.
Feature: Vampiric Aura
Being among vampires or even as one yourself you have come acustomed to thier ways with words and the way they seem to magically tame any group, able the charm or anger a room just by being there or more direct with a few choice sentences.
You are able to calm a tense situation, turn a sad situation into a happy one or even send a saint into fury as if your preasence alone soaked the air with those feelings.
you can change the tone of a situation to one that suits your desiers. It could be handy for getting your party out of trouble with the law or intimidating a target into paranoya. Or even agrivating someone to the point of voilence, then its self defence.
Character Inventory
Platinum | Gold | Silver | Copper |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Slot 1: | Barrier Tattoo |
Slot 2: | Lifewell Tattoo |
Slot 3: | Enhanced Estoc |
Slot A1: | Artificer LV10 |
Slot A2: | Artificer LV14 |
Location | Item | Stats |
Head | Tinted Glasses | |
Amulet | ||
Cloak | ||
Clothes | Full Suit | |
Armour | Full Suit | |
Arms/Hands | Full Suit | |
Ring/s | ||
Belt | ||
Boots | Full Suit | |
Shield/Ammo/Offhand | ||
Weapon | Repilcash | |
Sub-Weapon | Nil |
Carrying Capacity Formular =
Total Capacity | Current Load | Equiped Load |
000ibs | 000Ibs | 000Ibs |
Consumables & Useful Items
Item Name | Total / Weight | Details |
Item | ||
Item | ||
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Special Items
Name | Detail |
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Misc / Junk Items
Item | Detail |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
Item | |
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Character Notebook
A handy place for you to write notes as if your character was writing.
For Reference or Lore fill it how you want.