Filabean Lockheart

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Text
[3] Text
[4] Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse

Name / Titles: Filabean Lockheart
Class: Fighter, Arcane Archer
Species: Aarakocra
Nationality: Griaca
Home: -

Character Information


Physical Description

Type: - Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc
Height: - in ft & CM
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: - Mechanical Size 1×1, 3×3 etc
Complexion: - skin colour
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc
Eyes: - Eye colour
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: - identified or Biological, Pronouns if preferred


Partner: Ginger Decota
Mother: Silky Lockheart (Adoptive)
Ozrealia Lockheart (Biological)
Father: -
Siblings: Telula
Theion Lockheart
Ken Lockheart
Seko Lockheart
Bellossum Lockheart

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: - Outside of hobbies
Hobbies: - Outside of Occupation, games, music
Sexuality: - what is the characteriser attracted to if anything
Music: - Types character enjoys to listen or play

Stories & Campaigns

-: -
-: -


Level Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(0) 10(0) 10(+0)
10(0) 10(+0) 10(+0)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Save DC Modifier
00 +00

Full of beans. The common phrase used to describe the young adventurous Aarakorca. With love of life and wonder for the world Filabean is a bundle of joy that could make even the most sour scowl turn to a smile.

One of eight adoptive children, daughter to Mother Silky Lockheart she is one of the most foundly thought of. She gets along with all her other brothers and sisters.
Filabean is quite the short lady, reaching her peak height during her childhood. Though her short stature never got her ‘down’ The ever positive Filabean uses it to her advantage, Its hard to resist the request from a lovely short and wide eyed lady.

Quill A Kenku and close family friend will almost visit the Lockheart Family daily, Though he has closer relationships to some of the Lockheart children than others he did manage to stoke Filabean’s skill with Archery.
A master of the martial skill himself Quill taught most of what he knows to Filabean as she was growing up, By the time she was mature enough to learn from dedicated martial trainers they had little more to teach her. Being almost as capable Archer as Quill and if she kept at her training she may surpass him.

Her room at home is full of different Bows of various designs and applications. Arrows and bow-string, Fletched tips and various types of wood. Filabean has built her young adventuring life around the weapon learning how to craft and wield them to an expert level. Making her own custom arrow tips with the skills she learned from Aunti Ozrelia is a curious passion of hers.

She is possibly the most adventurous in her family, always seeking to explore and see the world outside. The Stories that Quill and Aunti Ozrelia told her of thier own adventures always fed her flaming passion and it would only burn brighter with each new tale.
When she cane of mature age her birthday gift was a set of adventuring supplies and a true work of power, A proper Bow & Quiver from the family friend Quill of his own design.

Pretty much the day after she got back from a weeks long journey around the region, Ozrelia offered to teach her some handy magic to aid her in adventuring.

She has never encountered complicated problems outside what she wanted for lunch. A lack of social complexity can lead to her “miss reading the room” so to speak. Not taking into consideration the seriousness or severity of a situation or vise versa having an overreaction to an otherwise simple issue.



It was during her trip through the lands of Reton and Greyhawk where she met a rather hyperactive charming young man. He introduced himself as ‘Snappy’ learning later his real name was Ginger A Tabaxi of the Decota family sharing that typical red hair and black eyes. Not long after she was introduced to his best mate Nebu a Kobold of mischivious intent.

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  • character/filabean.txt
  • Last modified: 14 days ago
  • by Cinder