Prof. Kazrai Stem

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] GMbinder



Name / Titles: Professor Kazrai Stem
Class: BattleMaster Fighter,
Soulknife Rogue
Species: Human
Nationality: Covanian
Home: Palace of Vrugbaar

Character Information

Background: Scholar
Born: 1st Monday, Harvest
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Languages: Common
Can Read any type of writing
Tools: Tattooist Tools
Medicine Tools
Gear: Dagger, Staff, Crossbow
Saves: Dexterity
Profession: Magic Mark Artist
Affiliation: Sea Spire(Closed Down)
Blinding Spear(Disbanded)
Palace of Vrugbaar
Remon's Academy
Faith: Kraken

Physical Description

Type: Humanoid
Height: 6ft / 182cm (Medium)
Weight: 161lbs / 73kg
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Pale
Eye: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Details: Eldritch Markings cover Body
Gender: Male


Partner: Valour Stem
Eldest Daughter: Cinder Stem
Children: Valour & Kazrai's Children

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: Scrabble
Hobbies: -
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Music: Cello

Story & Campaing Appearances

Story Appearance
Rise of Narkul Player Character
Land of Exilis NPC
Grey-hawk Rebellion Player Character (As Griss)
Witchlight Carnival OneShot Player Character
Spire's Master Story


Level 14
(9 Fighter)
(5 Rogue )
Stat Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +5
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 18 23
10(0) 18(+4) 12(+1)
18(+4) 17(+3) 18(+4)

Bold Stat = Proficency in Stat

+4 Medicine
Animal Handling
+3 Nature
+9 Perception
+0 Performance
+4 Persuasion
+9 Religion
+8 Sleight of Hand
+4 Stealth
+9 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Ability Modifier

Ability: Dexterity
Save DC Modifier
17 9
Superiority Dice 17,D10

Professor Kazrai Stem, A seeker of Eldrich knowledge and dangerous trinkets. Teaching what she knows to those willing to learn. Wife to the Arch-Fey Valour her public appearance has always been slightly clouded in mystery. Even as a teacher at the esteemed Remon's Academy there are many questions left unanswered.
She is well known as being the once Headmaster of the infamous Sea Spire before it closed down leaving her authority on Eldrich knowledge un-questioned by her peers.

A rather tall woman with short blond hair. Her otherwise simple beige complexation covered in magic markings from head to toe she applied herself, each one offering different boons for her. The art of Magic Marks is a rare one in the world. only a few have mastered the arcane and ink enough to translate its power onto flesh.
The talent comes from her past. inherited knowledge from the soul before her own that inhabited this body. She has a small in Reton where she sold her services before becoming hitched to Valour.

Kazrai's past is complicated and mostly kept to herself. The details are scarce and the situation unique. It's best not to ask her directly about it.
What is known is that she is in a binding magical contract with her husband with the intention for him to reach Godhood.
Her public appearance as the Sea-Spire's Headmaster was mostly unaffected during the time it was still open. Student's mostly brushed it off as some eldritch influence. those that did question it were ignored. Classes continued as normal until the Spire's closure in YEAR.

Due to the untold events of her past, Kazrai has had to re-learn much about herself and adapt to new roles she wasn't prepared for. She was once self-obsessed, believing her own goals and desires out-weigh anything else in the world yet this changed almost instantly when thrust into motherhood. Life created and grown inside her, Birthed and duties to care for them. This Dramatic change becoming a true mother left Kazrai a better person overall. Balancing her current research, Teaching, Motherly duties while being pregnant has proven to be the toughest part of her life yet but as things settle and she learns what is required getting a handle on her new role in the world.
Before, Kazrai was more than capable of doing unspeakable things in the pursuit of the knowledge. Yet now compassion and empathy have creeped their way into her being. A second thought crossing her mind before each decision is made, Asking herself now, how her actions would affect those around her, Her children, Would she be put in danger and unable to care for them? this conscious.

Despite her busy schedule Kazrai finds time to herself. With the massive amount of resources that come from being family to an Arch-Fey there are plenty of servants to help with looking after her children giving her time to indulge a little.
Being a teacher Kazrai can make small talk with almost anyone, coming off as pomace and entitled. She often spreads the topics of Gods, secrets, magic items, or teaching, these being her favourite topics to discuss.
Her social life has expanded greatly since teaching in Covania. At the Sea-Spire Kazrai would do nothing but smoke in her office scrolling through ancient text between the small amount of classes. But now; With Valour out sailing the multiverse most of the year, the desire for Kazrai to make “friends” outside the Feywild has grown dramatically. Tending to her children, Feeding, clothing, bathing and teaching them has opened her mind and heart to a bigger picture of humanoid interaction.
Another way Kazrai stimulates her time is with her collection of magic trinkets, items she takes a fascination with, the quirks of their magical properties and the history of how they came to be. She is always on the search for magic items. Her favourite type being magic books or tomes which she often reads to her children under the guise of a story.

Her personal end goals remain vague. To help Valour reach his Godhood through their children. To uncover the lost secrets of the Old Gods. To simply embrace this new style of life? One thing is for sure Kazrai will not give up learning and seeking new knowledge.

Skilled with close quarters combat using daggers. Not very strong but extremely quick and agile. With several magic daggers in her arsenal Kazrai is equipped to deal with any foe.

Sea Spire's Closure
After the declaration of independence by Greyhawk, The leaders of Reton Increased their pressure on the Sea Spire commiting to quiet slander campaigns and cutting several support lines. With Kazrai's building duties as a parent a bitter decision was made to close the Sea Spire as a place of learning. It would remain as a public space still under Kazrai's ownership. The lower levels will be magically sealed.
Kazrai hopes to continue teaching at Remon's Academy

The Puzzle of Ego
Recently Kazrai has been rather obsessed with her place in the world. The dissatisfaction at her rather insignificant status in a universe so vast its unable to be comprehended properly by the common folk. An understanding of her place but a desire to be far more. She considers it a rather selfish desire with such a large family to look after but a time will come when the contract is fulfilled and her children have all grown up and left home.
There are things only rumoured among legends and personified beings of ideals. Kazrai has the ever growing desire to be counted among such powers, To be recognised by them. Something more that a God.

Change in Contract
It is most…awkward, shameful, I am not fully sure how to handle or deal with it. My partner, Valour seems to have used her power to re-write the contract we were both bound too and it has had…uhh..lets say dramatic effects..

Proper Speech
Vocabulary is very important in my line of work, you can quickly tell the intelligence of a creature by their wide variety and use of various elaborate and extraordinary phrases, Its almost like a code such as Thief's can't or Drudic but…well far more sophisticated and highly proper.

Same Books, Different Teachers
With my extensive time and thorough investigation I find myself re-reading many books in my constant search for more knowledge, however they are still an interesting read as a refresher and to see how different authors convey the same subject, its very intriguing indeed. I come to realise that I am part of this chain as I pass on what I learn from these books to my children and students and perhaps one day they will too pass on what they learn to the next willing listener.

More known, Less Joy
Learning of a mystery is quite a joy I must say, For it means new knowledge to learn and new questions to have answered. I envy the ignorant as they have far more opportunity to learn they I.

Knowledge is power, this much is truth for the more you know of your enemy the more likely you are to survive, Its only logical that the more you know the more evolved you are. The highest power is held by those beings most knowledgeable. It is the source of power and evolution.
The pursuit of Knowledge is limitless, Only the gods know the peace I crave but even the gods search for more power, more knowledge. the infinite possibility in all existence is truly a wonder for us all the marvel in.

My Dominion over all knowledge is absolute, Only time stands in my way

I find myself easily distracted by the idea of learning something new, I used to think it normal I have noticed that now its starting to cause me to falter in judgment. I got caught in a trap because I blindly followed the path to an ancient book and my students now seem to play games with me. I must get a better hold of myself but how can I when any whisper of knowledge is worth hearing.
Mortals for the most part are terrified of the strange, the unknown and especially the different. I originally theorised it was simply due to my likes when experiencing it first hand, but I have begun to notice that now mortals are hunting and killing each-other just for looking different, its a waste of energy and seems idiotic but it is a real threat, some of my students have fallen to this fate also.

Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilisation.

  • character/kazrai.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder