Florale Thorn War

Date: 12294 - 12316
Location: Feywild
Status: La Cour Florale, Victory


Name Type
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Commanders & Leaders


Thorn Throne


  • Jardins Army Show

Casualties & Losses

Thorn Throne


  • Jardins Army Show


Here is some info about the lead up

Though the Feywild is a rather lawless realm with little in the way of politics, leadership and mortal society when such mortals try to establish order in this chaotic realm things are never to work out.

As if a plague. When mortal society tried to inter-place itself within the land of the Fey, Most of the Feywild would never take these new ‘Nations’ seriously, Those that did would flock to these new nations .
And Fey behaving as Mortals do what they do best and started to destroy each-other against the backdrop of Fey watching on as if it was an ironic comedy. More then happy to watch the pretenders destroy each-other.

So two on these mortal-behaving nations had no one else to fight but each-other. Mearly the fact that there was an opportunity to fight may have been the catalyst, so like fate they would go to war.
The most ironic thing being that these two nations were in fact Fey themselves.

With the death of King Magnus and the Prince, the massacre and then disapirance of Princess Adelina and Oleander's refusal to speak on the matter nobody is 100% sure why the war began.
Some rumours say it was outside influence leading the Thorn Throne astray.
Others believe that the Petal Dragon Oleander is far more ruthless than her appearance would suggest.

Despite all the Rumours it was indeed Jardins that struck first.

12294 - Florale Thorn War begins
Nobody that is willing to tell is exactly sure what was the triggering point of war (thats still up to DM’s and players)
But what is known is Jardin’s struck first.
Tentions had been building out of mostly pretty squabbles between the leaders, Both believing their way is right to rule.
Orlender is many things but patient isn’t one of them. As her soldiers attacked one of the isolated settlements on Thorn Throne’s territory soon after war was officially declared.
Though Orlender did make the first move King Magnus was already prepping an attack himself.

12297 - Florale raids Thorn borders
Princess Adelina and Prince Amatheon of the Thorn Throne defect to la Cour Florale after la Cour Florale raids a Thorn Throne border and atrocities committed by the Thorn Throne are shown to the Princess and Prince.

12316 - Florale Thorn War ends
With death of King Magnus of the Thorn Throne and Prince Amatheon, the war between the two nations end. The Thorn Throne enters a state of unrest as there is no longer a clear line of succession, many fight for the throne and those who claim it only last a matter of months.

In the many years that followed many conspiracy theories arose, most unfounded and with little evidence include that the war was a result of the Nine Hells colluding with the Thorn Throne after its failed invasion of Mor-Thir. Others suggest la Cour Florale fabricated the war crimes committed by the Throne to further Oleander's personal goals. A recent but growing theory from Felwind simply points to the chaotic nature of the Feywild and nations trying to bring law to the realm fell to the Feywild's will toward chaos however the opposition suggests that it's ridiculous to claim the Feywild has a will of its own

Other events - One thing that made Jardins so ruthless was the way it delt with prisoners.
Fey can’t outright ‘die’ in the Feywild so instead, Orlender used her power to transport some of her soldiers and prisoners to the mortal realm in the wilderness where the prisoners were executed. Being outside the Feywilds these fey would die a brutal death. Then burried in mass graves.

Other Events - The Thron throne tended to play dirty tricks to Jardin soldiers, in the battlefield or the prisoners it was often described how Thorn throne fey used to use twisted Fey deals on Jardin’s soldiers, using prisoners as their own soldiers or turning Jardins soldiers against each other. They would even capture wisps of fallen jardins soldiers and use them as resource to strengthen their soldiers

The Thorn Throne
Mostly made up of Faries this ‘Nation’ was the first to declare independence. Its people were patriotic and strong willed. It was very dangerous for outsiders to visit the city as every Fairy was out to trick you into some unfortunate fate.
Thier war strategies not unlike typical mortals with generals commanding foot soldiers.

The Jardin’s before and after the war are very different places from an outsider perspective.
Both the people and land were heavily injured during the war and Oleander as used their power to patch their kingdom and its people. Today over 90% of Jardins citizens are in some part plant life. planst used to regrow missing limbs, Organs and heal all manor of injuries.
Today the Flora side of people is seen as a status symbol, Dryads and Folklora being some of the most respected.

Here is some info about what happened after

The Crumbling Ruins of the Thorn Throne

The Land of the Thorn Throne crumbled into a shell of its former self. Only a few settlements remain that still cling to the Thorn throne royalty.

The Thorn Castle
Laying in ruins and mostly overtaken by Fey Fawna the castle is filled with the 'Corpses' of its citizens. Due to one of the Laws of the Feywild Fey do not outright die. Instead their bodies are either turned to stone or their souls becoming one of the many wisps found through out Feywild. Princess Adelina's psychotic massacre of he castle's people, Thorn throne Soldiers and Civilians as well as her own soldiers were among those killed and here that massacre is on full display.

Thorn Throne Knights
A few hundred Thorn Knights still call themselves loyal to the Thorn Throne. Most have scattered into small groups or solo trying to make thier way in te Feywild.

Surviving Royalty
The Princess Adeline was deemed a traitor and moreover slandered as The Mad Princess by both Jardins and the remaining Thron throne due to her actions in the war.

The Irony so sweet, When the princess Adelina originally turned turncoat it was because she had learned of depraved plans of slaughter to the Jardin’s people, Forgetting that her own people had been depravly slaughtered by Jardins soldiers only years earlier, and she in-acted herself no quarter when letting her blade loose on soldiers and civilians alike at the end of the war.
A sick and twisted mind to justify such crimes against morality and its why her name will ever be known as “The Thorn of Maddness”
Her Blade of the same name rests in the ruined castle.

Those warriors that survived lead the remaining of the Civilians to safety further nort

The Recovering Jardins

Recovery of the Land
After the war, Jardin's land along the border side was mostly destroyed, the once gorgeous forest city reduced to burnt ruins save a few safe building made from Marble.
The Petal Dragon used her power to drained the life from her eastern claimed territory and use that power to regrow the damaged western side into the beautiful garden it once was. this left the easters side of Jardins worse than a waste land, noting would ever grow again and the Feywild land has become defiled. A dangerous place to travel.

Mushroom Glade
Otherwise mostly untouched. Folklora of the Myconoid Sub-Species call this area home.

Border Control
Jardins is protected by strong barrier preventing unjustified travel in and out of its borders. It also heavily patrols the western river border and may offer a ferry service to those willing to pay.

  • time/floral_thorn.txt
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by Cinder