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Tamira "Tami" LASTNAME


Artist Credit


Name: Tamira “Tami” - The Matriarch of Twilight
Class: 15th Level Cleric (Twilight Domain)
Species: Harengon (Rabbigon)
Nationality: Thron Throne
Home: Nomadic, No Physical Home

Character Information

Background: Soldier of the Thorn Throne
Born: 12265, exact date is unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common, Fey
Saves: Wisdom, Charisma
Profession: Cleric
Affiliation: Twilight Cleric, Solder of the Thorn Throne (Former)

Physical Description

Type: - Beast, Monstrosity, Fey etc. Most D&D Species are Humanoid but some rare ones are slightly different or you ay run into a curse during your session and become a wearwolf.
Height: - in ft & CM. Basics. Meant for introduction and Role Play
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is Meant for Introduction and Role Play but may also tie in with your stats. a character with a high strength score will most likely have quite the body builder look as an example. (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: - Mechanical Size 1×1, 3×3 etc. The Squares your character takes up. 90% of the time you will be 1×1.
Complexion: - skin colour, Dark, Pale, Blue, Red, Glow-in-the Dark? normally dictated by Race but their are always mutations.
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc, Extra details
Eyes: - Eye colour
Hair: - Hair colour
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: - identified or Biological, Pronouns if preferred


Partner: - Lover or close too it. Family gives the Dungeon Master the power to make story beast personal to your character. ut 9/10 times they will be used to torture your character emotionally.
Parents: - Adoptive or Blood
Siblings: -
Children: - Adoptive or Blood

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: - Good for Role Play
Favorite Drink: - Good for Role Play, there is also quite rich D&D lore surrounding the various alcoholic drinks it could tie in to your character's story in some way.
Games: - Outside of hobbies, There are a few D&D games around but classics like cards and Dice are always fun to do during down time.
Hobbies: - Outside of Occupation, games, music. Things to flesh our your character narratively.
Sexuality: - what is the character attracted to if anything. Can be as simple or exotic as you like. If your not comfortable then you can simply delete the entire line.
Music: - Types character enjoys to listen or play

Stories & Campaigns

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Tamira is a Female Rabbigon Cleric that served in the army of the Thorn Throne. After her parents died while she was a child, she was taken into a boarding school and raised to loyally follow the Thorn Throne, eventually becoming a member of the army and gaining control of her own squad. Shortly after the outbreak of the war between Jardis and the Thorn Throne, Tamira led an attack on an enemy garrison but her squad reported that she disappeared during the battle.

Many years later, the Material Plane has begin to suffer the effects of a Hag Coven and many innocent lives have been put into danger. Tamira has been tasked by her God to return to her old home and protect those that seek to end the Hag Coven's influence.

Tamira appears more akin to a Jackalope than a rabbit, bearing a light-gray fur coat with white patches and large stag antlers atop her head. Wearing heavily worn Plate Armour, Tamira seeks to guard her charges from harm through magic or putting herself in harm's way.

Tamera was born in 12265 after her parents immigrated to the Thorn Throne in 12264. Little is known about Tamera's parents, except that both parents passed away shortly after Tamera was born and only a bracelet bearing a symbol was left of their belongings. After their deaths Tamera was taken into a local orphanage run by a very patriotic woman, a Caretaker who instilled a fierce sense of loyalty and patriotism in her charges.

Tamera and the other orphans were looked down upon in the Thorn Throne, often getting bullied by other children or ignored by adults. This lead Tamera to becoming protective of her fellow orphans and fighting off bullies, and convincing the other orphans to help around the community in order to become more accepted in the glorious nation their Caretaker told them about.
Tamera also began investigating the bracelet her parents left for her but she was not able to find any meaning behind it.

As she grew from a teenager to an adult, Tamera would begin chasing after thieves and shoplifters to return stolen items, creating a reputation as a minor folk hero in the area. As she received thanks from the locals, Tamera and the other orphans aimed to join the City Watch to continue to make things better; but as tensions between Jardin and the Thorn Throne rose this dream changed to become soldiers and protect their home.
After finishing Bootcamp, Tamera would rise through the ranks and begin to lead her own squad, earning a minor reputation as one of the Thorn Throne's Protectors.

  • character/tami.1740892098.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 11 days ago
  • by Luke