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Harengon, Also known as Rabbit-Folk or Rodent-Folk are a species of Fey-Beast native to the Feywild
Thier origins are shrouded in mystery but histor shows they have been around in the Feywild for thousands and thousands of years.
Only in the past few hundred years have there been recorded sightings in Felwind

Harengon are known for their likeness to rodents, Rabbits, Hare, Mice, Rats, Squirrels etc. They have a few Sub-Species where these Different Likenesses have been observed in similar culture and behaviour. The most common being the Rabbigon this sub-species being the one most recognisable and referenced in culture.

While there is a healthy population in the Feywild In the mortal realm Harengon are rather rare. Often Harengon only journey outside the Feywild in serch of adventure, Becoming quite reliable mercenaries or adventures. Others find the sense of adventure to be too overwhelming once in the Mortal Realm and so fall back to simpler occupation such as servant, tavern keep, Shop assistant or other similar occupations.
Some Harengon are even known to start their own business.

Title Detail
Species Class: Fey, Beast
Population: Exotic
Homeland/Origin: Feywild
Average Hight: Cm , Feet
Lifespan: Years
Physical Traits: Tails, Wings, Fur, Pointy ears, Scales etc
Source: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes p.00
Wild Beyond the Witchlight p.00

Common Trait.


Less Known Trait.


Unique Felwind Lore If Any.


The most common of Harengon, these kin resemble rabbits or hare and are the stereotypical Harengon when people hear of them.
Also known as Rabbit-Folk. They come in a wide array of colours but their likness is less varried. Unlike some of thier other kin, Rabbigon tend to always have your typical large rabbit ears, tail and strong legs. Thier average hight can varry wildly between small and medium species. Thier ears likewise can varry greatly and is a very important social symbol among their culture. some examples; Tall upright ears people see you as strong, charismatic, reliable. While droopy ears are seen as mysterious, knowlagble and cute.
Male Rabbigon are known to be as lively as a stereotypical Bard, For most Male Rabbigon it is in their nature to be very frisky and sexually active.
Female Rabbigon however tend to be very family orientated, natural born mothers and much more trustworthy than males.
These traits don’t apply to all Harengonand there are always outliers in any species or culture.

These Harengon are a bit more mischievous in nature. Normally resembling Giant Rats or Mice, Possums or other typical rodents. these Haraengon are known to be shady in nature, tricksters or otherwise too adorable for their own good.
You can find some rather rugged looking Skavagon or ones who are in some form of nobility/wealth.
Skavagon of Rat-likeness by some crule fate are always in some sort of shady business, Either by just their nature or the judgment of those around them.
Skavagon of mice-likeness tend to be well loved, are very good in social situations, you will often find them as servants, waiters, or entertainers of sort.
Most Skavangon are on the smaller end for average height but there are many of medium size.

The rarest known Harengon Sub-Species Shugaron are known to be much smaller than thier kin and other species, Being closento Halflings for average height.
They make up for it by having limited flight.
Unable to free fly, rather these Harengon are able to glide from high places and have exquisite climbing capabilities.



  • culture/harengon.txt
  • Last modified: 8 weeks ago
  • by Cinder