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Blood-Hunter Packs

Motto -
Location Various
Leaders -
Estate(s) -
Formed -

Hierarchy is based on Skill and seniority. Most of the “Leaders” so to speak are among the first Hunters.

As the monsters of the night became more and more dangerous mortals had to push further and further for more strength. So came about a rather Taboo line of power involving the twisted studies of life essence or as most call it Blood.
Tapping into power gained from Blood was far from easy and equally as dangerous. Blood is used in many mediums for spells, pacts, sacrifice and rituals so it was obvious it had power but for a mortal to harness it as their own? how was that to be done?

The first Blood-Hunter known as Mercer is known by most Hunters.

Hunters today normally belong to one of three different “packs” depending on their line of marks, Lycan Hunters, Mutagen Hunters and Specter Hunters.
Mutagen Hunters being the most common.

Hunters have a high reputation for tackling tough monsters that normal steel and sweat won't bring down. Often hired by remote towns or aristocrats when the normal city guard has failed.
Most Hunters work alone, Uncommonly in small groups of two or three. They travel around offering their service wherever the gold is available. Blood Hunter's never work for free and will always ask for payment upfront but are fiercely loyal to the job. once a job has been agreed upon and a Hunter has accepted payment they will complete the task. some even dying for it.

Blood Hunters were a lot more common before the Ashlem war. They came when Mor-Thir was colonised hundreds of years ago and up until the end of the Ashlem war were known by most. However with the outlawed races, Hunters sharing similar traits were decommissioned or expunged from most official sources.

The Vanahern Pack is known for their hunters who willingly give themselves to Lycanthropy, Either through ritual or rarer through birth. Those born with the curse are known to have it permmently as its grafted to the soul. some seek isolation while others seek a cure. The small amount that look to embrace it often find their way into the Vanahern Pack.

The Ashlem war expunge hit Vanahern the hardest due to their wear beast inheritance. They were either killed or Exiled off Mor-Thir. Those that remained only did so by laying low. Today there are between 10-15 known members Spread out across Felwind But home will always be the Promised Archipelago.

The Vein Pack is known for their Mutagen Hunters, Hunters who make nightmarish mixtures to heighten their skills. They are the most common Blood-Hunter and the most well known. Some only know of Blood Hunters as the Mutagen variant, Being ignorant of the other two styles.

Hunter Pack Vein was called into action during the Ashlem war, When the demonic gates opend Oxtrad put a call for aid directly to the Pack. Hired as Hunters of some of the most vile and monstrous of Demons to come out of the portal.
However after the Portal was closed the Hunters were tricked into hunting down the now outlawed races being told that these creatures were part of the demonic plague.
The leaders only learned too late and the Conglogermant moved to purge the hunters soon after. Those that survived fled into the deepest parts of Harburs Forrest, Dishonored and broken they were thought to have withered away into nothing.

Today Vein is still active but a shell of its former size. their traditions however are slowly on the rise as new blood come searching for the power and discipline that the Bloodhunters offer. What remains of Vein is located in the southern forests of Covania with many small groups constantly on the move throughout Mor-Thir and Ostrov

Notable Hunters

Delta J Decota
Start date:
Delta was brought to the pack as a young abbandoned girl by her master Decota. She didn't just train with the hunters but lived them. her childhood was drenched in blood and hunts and it twisted her sadness into hatred, eventually she splintered off on her own after her master was killed. The elders think this was the best thing for her, Hunters paths are dark and full of the negative but Delta has her own demons to conquer and being in that atmosphere was not helping at all.

Cinder G Stem
Start date:

The Solace Hunter pack is known for their specter Hunters, Hunters with special skills to be the predator of Spirits, Ghosts and other ethereal beings. Being able to step between planes and strike through them make them the perfect hunters for ghost problems.

Solace is based in Ostrov

  • faction/bloodhunter_pack.1696396413.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 9 months ago
  • by Cinder