Prerequisite: 8th-level, 8 Levels in Druid, Wildshape Expert (Feat)

You feel more comfortable and natural Wildshaped than as a humanoid. Your extensive experience in other forms has granted you the following benefits:

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase your Constitution or Wisdom Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Robust Form: When you Wildshape your form has more Hit Points than normal, 3 extra Hit Points per Hit Die the form has.
  • Reactive Casting: When you use your Action to cast a spell that targets only you, you can use your Bonus Action to Wildshape on the same turn. This Bonus Action triggers Fluid Transformation from the WIldshape Expert Feat, regardless of your Druid Subclass. If your Druid subclass is Circle of the Moon, as part of Fluid Transformation you can make the normal number of attacks that your new form can normally make.
  • homebrew/feat/wildshape_savant.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Luke