Spider Bite

Weapon (Dagger), Very Rare, (Requires Attunement)

When you hit a creature with an attack made with Spider's Bite, the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw, (DC = 8 + Dexterity Mod + Proficiency Mod). On a failed save, the target becomes diseased for 1 minute. Roll a d20 and apply the respective effect.

  • 1-6: The target becomes discoloured and weezy. The target is Poisoned for as long as it is diseased.
  • 7-11: The target begins to hallucinate, seeing you as a terrifying creature. The target begins to panic and becomes Frightened of you for as long as it is diseased.
  • 12-16: The target's eyes cloud over, blocking the creature's vision. The target becomes Blinded for as long as it is diseased.
  • 17-19: The target becomes lethargic and sways side-to-side. The target is Stunned for as long as it is diseased.
  • 20: The target's body seizes up and is unable to move. The target is Paralyzed for as long as it is diseased.

At the end of the target's turns, it can make a Constitution Saving Throw to end the Diseased Condition. If the target fails the Saving Throw by 5 or more, it automatically fails it's next Saving Throw.

  • homebrew/magic_item/spider_bite.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Luke