TODO: Spark Abilities for all sparks, different types of sparks and spark abilities for classes

Some folks spend their entire lives trying to achieve greatness. Endless time spent toiling away to escape the mundane only to end up back where you started. For those rare few, all it takes is a sparkā€¦

Those familiar with Magic the Gathering know what Planeswalkers are, individuals born with the Spark who gain the ability to travel across the Multiverse. Sparkborn are my take on bringing Planeswalkers to Fifth Edition without the threat of Pinkertons visiting me in my sleep.
To the less informed, Sparkborn is an optional Character Feature DMs can run to allow players to travel to different planes without needing 7th Level Spell Slots or Very Rare Magical items. The goal is to also provide addition bonuses to expand on different playstyles.

Only A Few

In every generation a handful of people are born with the Spark, but even fewer ignite it.
Perhaps the players ignited their spark in a dangerous situation, or suffered a traumatic experience. Maybe they were on their last legs fighting a pack of wolves, or a loved one was executed and they were pushed over the edge. Regardless of the specifics, igniting a Spark is not a typical event and should be triggered by atypical circumstances.

Sparkborn Base Abilities

All Sparks come with a base set of abilities. Some of these abilities may be influenced by the type of spark or class that a player has, which is covered further down. All levels refer to the Character Level, not class level.

Plane Shifting

At Level One, you gain the ability to cast Plane Shift without using a spell slot or any material components. Below is a rough table to use as a base for how frequently players can use this spell and the limitation on where they can go, however a DM can adjust this limit to better suit their campaign or as circumstances dictate to better suit the story.

Level Frequency Limitations on Planes you can visit
1 Once every 30 Days Random Planes
5 Once every 2 Weeks Planes you have visited before
10 Once every Week Planes you have an object from or accurate description.
15 Once per Long Rest Planes that you know exist

Ignition Points
At Level One, you gain a number of Ignition Points equal to your character level and regain any used Ignition Points at the end of a long rest.
Igntion Points are used to trigger special abilities you obtain as a Sparkborn as you level up.

Spell Level Ignition Points
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 7
5 9

Ignition Casting
When you reach certain levels, you gain the ability to cast certain spells by using Ignition Points. Spells cast this way do not require material components that are not consumed. The spells you learn depend on the Type of Spark you have and you always have those spells prepared. When you cast spells using Ignition Points you cannot cast them at higher levels, however you can use spell slots you gain from other sources to cast them. The table to the side shows the number of Ignition Points required to cast spells at certain levels.

Types of Sparks


Protector Spells


Manipulator Spells


Sparkborn Class Abilities

  • homebrew/mechanic/sparkborn.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Luke