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Type: Wonderous, Class: Item, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Tiny
Weight 0.1ibs

Drudic Soul

  • While a Druid is attuned to this item and carrying it they are able to concentrate on two spells at once so long as one of the spells is 3rd level or bellow.
    If you loose concentration on a spell you loose concentration on both spells.


A small trinket like a badge, a focus or similar talisman. A Deep green impossibly round and smooth gem is centered around dull golden twisted roots, Clean and symmetrical.

The Roots appear hard and metallic yet they are not magnetic and even can be found growing leaves occasionally.

The Item gives off a warm glow when in the presence of strong nature energy.


One body was lost so another may live. Even faced with the truth the Druid Isooz chose his own self exitance over that of his past self.
Something that should not have been, An error in the divine principles that govern Felwind and its realms. Only in a place such as the Feywild could such transgression take place without divine intervention for the New Gods have no domain over the land of the Fey.
The Manifestation of Isooz has no soul of his own, His existence was merely borrowed time, But with this item he may be able to live a normal life under the guise of someone else.

  • item/drudic_enlightenment.txt
  • Last modified: 7 weeks ago
  • by Cinder