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Type: Wonderous, Class: Item, Rarity: Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Standard
Weight Standard


A book or Tome crafted with covers made of skin and fittings of bone, Upon the front cover is normally a humanoid face or simple set of eyes or a lone mouth.
Its cold to the touch, and it whispers faintly to those nearby.

Attunement requires two uninterrupted hours of reading and studying the book, and the ability to read Abyssal.

When found, the book contains knowledge of the following spells, which are spells suitable to your class for the mechanics of casting; once attunement is complete.

  • Animate Dead
  • Circle of Death
  • False Life
  • Finger of Death
  • Speak with Dead
  • Summon Undead
  • Vampiric Touch

It functions as a spellcasting focus for you once attuned.
Once Attuned, These spells are counted as spells you know and can be casted using your spell slots so long as you have the book in hand when casting.

The book has 3 charges, and it regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. You can use the charges in the following ways while holding it:

  • Spell Cast
    • You can use 1 charge to cast any spell listed in the book without costing a spell slot and/or Materials.
  • Understand Evil
    • You can use 1 charge to understand spoken and written Infernal, Abyssal and Primordial languages for 1 hour.
  • Control Summoned Soul
    • You can use 1 charge, Target a number of summoned (Non Fey/Celestial) creatures equal or lower than your proficiency bonus. (The targets make a Charisma saving throw, DC= Your Spellcasting DC) On a fail the creatures turn to your command for the remained of their summoned duration.

Attunement Mastery
Spending two hours a day for a full thirty days will unlock the secrets of the book allowing the one attuned to it the following additional benefits.


An Evil and vile book used in blasphemous rituals.

  • item/libram_of_souls_and_flesh.txt
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder