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Type: Wonderous Item, Rarity: Uncommon, Attunement: Required By Spell-Caster

While this pearl is on your person, you can use an action to speak its command word and regain one expended spell slot. If the expended slot was of 4th level or higher, the new slot is 3rd level. Once you use the pearl, it can􀁠t be used again until the next dawn.

A large pearl from the depths of a clear ocean, Much to large for a dignified jewellery piece, perhaps a flashy one is more suitable. It has been infused with strong magical energy, able to give partial restorative energy to a spell caster, Its strength is limited but perhaps a skilled Mage can make it stronger?

  • item/pearl_power.txt
  • Last modified: 24 months ago
  • by Cinder