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Type: Rapier, Class: Special Weapon Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Not Required

This is a Special Weapon Magic item, Special weapons normally fall outside those listed in the D&D handbooks and so have unique stats and/or Requirements.

Properties Stats
Style Martial
Weight Light
Range 5ft
Hands 1 Handed
Status Silvered
Damage 1D8+1 Piercing OR Slashing

Bane for Humanoids
When attacking a humanoid creature of medium size or smaller you deal and extra 1 D4 Damage.


The signature weapon of Cinder, a well decorated estoc style rapier build for slashing as well as piercing its foes. the blade was forged by a splinter cell of blood hunters, Forgine to Mor-Thir. The hunters wielding these blades seemed to hold style over functionality, blades such as these require great precision when hunting beasts, logic would say that the prey of these hunters were much smaller and humanoid.

The blade forged by an unknown smith, Style held more important than function. Normally weapons for Blood Hunters are made to cleave beasts much larger than the Hunter, But this one is made for killing humanoids rather than beasts.

  • item/repilcache.txt
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Cinder