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Type: Armour, Rarity: Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Full Body
Weight Heavy
AC 19

Biting Focus

  • While wearing and attuned to this armour, Twice a day if under a charming or frightened effect you can use a free action to break free/automatically succeed to end the effect, Taking 2D8 damage in the process as thorns shoot from the inside of the armour stabbing your body.
  • If a creature has you grabbled you can use this feature to try and free yourself, The creature must make a constitution saving throw (the DC Equals the damage you take) as thorns stab into them. On a fail they release you for the grapple.

Magic Resistance

  • While wearing this armour and attuned to it reduce the damage of any spell you suffer by 1D10+Proficiency Bonus.


A full suite of plate armour. Crafted in the Feywilds the metal is washed out green in colour and ornate with dull gold details. The torso has gaps for a fairy’s wings.

The crest of the Thorn Throne is engraved into the shoulder guards


Suites of Armour such as this were common during the war between Jardins and the Thorn Throne, This set was meant for a high ranking soldier. Though most citizens of the Thorn Throne were not Fairies all their armour was crafted with the ability to acomidate a fairy's anatomy and abilities.
The colour comes naturally from the metal used. Smiths of the Feywild often weave form and function together crafting beautiful works of art fit for combat.

  • item/thornthrone_plate.txt
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder