Type, Rarity, Attunement
Unknown, currently unidentified

Our heros first discovered this wand after the raid on the artificial portal camp. It was looted by Valerie and seemed normal.

Back in saberSteel an altercation occurred between Valerie and Ironhide. When Valerie went to have the want looked at it spoke to her.

point me at your problems and say fireball, your problems go away I promise

Valerie did as the wand spoke and used the wand against Ironhide, instantaneously creating a gigantic ball of flames, killing citizens and injuring many more. Ironhide used his holy power to reversal the power right back at Valerie reducing her vitality to 0.

Teo snapped into action sezing the wand before the guards came and with some carful lies from Teo and Rose they kept the wand.

The wand is currently now hidden and only Teo knows where it is.

Teo used the Wand in session 17 of C1 to fry Guthber

Teo uses it again in session 28 of c1 (If i Remeber correctly) AFter Teop is captured by Duke Rollo's men and The List is taken from him Both Teo and Dameritos go on a mission to retrive it. Dameritos summoning a demon as a distraction while Teo sneaks in to retrieve the dagger. He fails and so uses all the remaining charges of the wand directed at Rollo's tent in frustration. The wand is destroyed letting out a cry of pleasure in Teo's head before falling to dust.

  • item/wand_of_fireballs.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder