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Mushroom caverns

Type: Cave, Forrest Location: Vylanna Forest

A large expansive cave filled to the brim with gigantic mushrooms, A mushroom forest. Located several miles from the east coast of Vylanna Forrest

Residents, Shops, Notes, etc.

Monsters / Creatures encounter

Fungal Zombie Source: MCDM Vol 14
A fungal zombie is a corpse rife with fungal infestation and redolent with the smell of rot. Clumps of mold and small mushrooms cover what remains of the corpseā€™s decaying skin. A fungal zombie normally moves near groups of foes to spew its decay then attack relentlessly, focusing on foes who are poisoned.

Treant Zombie Source: MCDM Vol 14
A treant zombie is a massive, frightening perversion of a majestic treant. These plants once fought alongside the druids to protect their forest, but now the zombie treant yearns only to propagate decay.

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  • location/mushroom_caverns.1685059448.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by Cinder