History Tree

Title Detail
Type Settlement
Sub-Type Self Proclaimed Kingdom
Service Services provided
Location town:Townname
Region region:region name
Owner ?
Guests/Employees ?

A self proclaimed “Kingdom” of Bullywogs.

Slackjaw's Domain
A Giant tree lies just a short walk away from the Soggy Court, the home and domain of a Hag known as Slackjaw

Location of location in relevant to other locations.


Services Provided Cost Extra
Item 00 Gold Detail
Service 00 Gold Service



The tree is well over 100ft tall.

there are five floors including an atic

Ground floor is reception and workshop

2nd floor is where ballons are asembeled and filled ready to fly

3rd floor is a general living area

4th floor is Slack jaw's personal room, including bedroomn

5th floor is an Atic


There are traps littered around the 1st and 3rd floors

All windows are magically trapped



Lair Actions

Travel Balloons

Making a Deal

Personal Character motivations

  • location/soggy_court.txt
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder