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Magic Tattoos

This is only for quick reference for full document see:

Body PartNumber of Tattoos
Head1 Medium, or 2 Small
Chest1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small
Back1 Large, or 2 Medium, or 4 Small
Arm or Wing1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small
Leg or Tail1 Medium and 1 Small, or 3 Small

Feat: Inked You may either have 1 additional Large tattoo, 2 additional Medium tattoos, or 4 additional Small tattoos.

Time needed

Size (intricacy)TimeApplication DC
Small (simple)1+1d4 hours10
Small (average), Medium (simple)2+1d6 hours12
Small (ornate), Medium (average), Large (simple)4+1d8 hours14
Medium (ornate), Large (average)6+3d6 hours16
Large (ornate)8+3d10 hours18

*The artist need not succeed on checks with tattooist’s tools, only spend the requisite amount of time according to the size and intricacy of the tattoo design.

Disease Risk

CleanlinessCon save DC
Appropriate medical supplies used5
Improvised medical supplies used10
Poorly improvised medical supplies used12
No sterilization15
Actively Unsanitary20


Tattooist's tools15 gp5 lb
Sketchbook25 gp2 lb
Medical supplies30 gp2 lb
Ink base5 cp1 oz
Full ink set200 gp1 lb
Bestial ink125 gp1 oz
Black ink15 gp1 oz
Blue ink15 gp1 oz
Brown ink15 gp1 oz
Detection ink600 gp1 oz
Elemental ink150 gp1 oz
Glamour ink75 gp1 oz
Glow ink75 gp1 oz
Green ink15 gp1 oz
Metallic ink150 gp1 oz
Mood ink115 gp1 oz
Orange ink15 gp1 oz
Prismatic ink125 gp1 oz
Purple ink15 gp1 oz
Shifting ink1,500 gp1 oz
Red ink15 gp1 oz
Temporary ink10 gp1 oz
Three dimensional ink350 gp1 oz
White ink15 gp1 oz
Yellow ink15 gp1 oz


NameLocationSize and IntricacyCost
All Seeing EyeHeadSmall AverageInk + 2,500 gp
Artisan's HandsBoth ArmsSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Eye of DarkvisionHeadSmall AverageInk + 2,500 gp
Eye of TruesightHeadMedium OrnateInk + 6,000 gp
Eye of the MageHeadSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Eye of the SeerHeadSmall AverageInk + 2,500 gp
Fist of the ElementsArmMedium AverageInk + 3,500 gp
Fortress TattooAnywhereLarge AverageInk + 8,500 gp
Mark of the AnchorAnywhereSmall SimpleInk + 1,000 gp
Mark of the ArcherArmMedium SimpleInk + 2,000 gp
Mark of the ArmsmanArmMedium SimpleInk + 2,000 gp
Mark of the ArmsmanArmMedium OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Mark of the CheetahLegSmall SimpleInk + 1,500 gp
Mark of the Death WalkerChestLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Mark of the DriftglobeAnywhereMedium AverageInk + 3,000 gp
Mark of the DryadArmMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the ElementalAnywhereMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the ElvenAnywhereMedium SimpleInk + 3,000 gp
Mark of the FlockAnywhereMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the FrogLegSmall SimpleInk + 1,000 gp
Mark of the GhastArmMedium AverageInk + 3,500 gp
Mark of the HealerAnywhereMedium OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Mark of the HummingbirdChestLarge SimpleInk + 8,000 gp
Mark of the KrakenAnywhereMedium SimpleInk + 2,000 gp
Mark of the OxChestLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Mark of the PacifistAnywhereSmall SimpleInk + 1,500 gp
Mark of the PackmasterAnywhereMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the Pit FiendArmMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the PufferfishArmSmall AverageInk + 3,000 gp
Mark of the ShadowAnywhereSmall AverageInk + 2,500 gp
Mark of the ShadowAnywhereSmall OrnateInk + 4,000 gp
Mark of the Snake CharmerArmMedium OrnateInk + 7,000 gp
Mark of the SoulmatesArmSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Mark of the SpiderLegMedium SimpleInk + 2,000 gp
Mark of the SpiritmasterAnywhereMedium OrnateInk + 8,000 gp
Mark of the TarrasqueAnywhereLarge AverageInk + 6,000 gp
Mark of the TelepathHeadSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Mark of the ViperAnywhereMedium SimpleInk + 3,000 gp
Mark of the WeaponmasterArmSmall AverageInk + 3,500 gp
Maw of the DragonHeadMedium OrnateInk + 6,000 gp
Scar of BraveryAnywhereMedium SimpleInk + 3,000 gp
Shield of the Elemental GuardianAnywhereLarge AverageInk + 4,000 gp
Slave's MarkAnywhereSmall SimpleInk + 500 gp
Owner's MarkAnywhereSmall SimpleInk + 1,000 gp
Spirit of the BearAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the BullAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the CatAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the EagleAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the FoxAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the OwlAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit of the StagAnywhereLarge OrnateInk + 10,000 gp
Spirit Walker's SigilAnywhereMedium AverageInk + 3,000 gp
Tattoo of [Ability]ChestLarge AverageInk + 6,000 gp
Tattoo of ChillingAnywhereSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Tattoo of FlameAnywhereSmall OrnateInk + 3,500 gp
Tattoo of LeapingBoth LegsMedium OrnateInk + 6,000 gp
Tattoo of Major ProtectionChest or BackLarge AverageInk + 8,000 gp
Tattoo of ProtectionChest or BackLarge SimpleInk + 3,500 gp
Tattoo of StridingLegMedium AverageInk + 3,000 gp
Tattoo of WardingAnywhereLarge AverageInk + 4,000 gp
Venom WardAnywhereSmall AverageInk + 3,500 gp
Voice of ComprehensionHeadSmall AverageInk + 3,500 gp
Wings of InkBackLarge SimpleInk + 3,500 gp
  • magic/tattoos.1598928692.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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