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Titles The Watcher
Alignment True Neutral
Symbol A Sea of Eyes
Domains Sight, Vision, The idea that what you can see is visible in the first place. The idea you are real even if not seen and to be seen is a gift not a right
Worshipers Followers of the Watcher

To put such a being into descriptive text is certainly a challenge even for me but I will do my best.
Imagine, if you can… a creature covered in the trypophobia skin disease and every hole is home to one or even two unblinking constantly shifting eyes, a body like ebb and flow of wind and water, ideas if blue and grey, a grub body of something more unseen, teeth of man yet ideas of serenity and acceptance. it sees all that has yet to be seen and has already seen what has yet to be known.
As it floats or stays, it has always been where it is but can phase from your sight at any moment and you will cry out that you have seen it since the beginning but have never seen it before. You will question everything your eyes tell you as the ebb and flow infects your sight. Most mortals rip their eyes out after coming into direct line of sight with the watcher. sometimes more then once as the swear even after they scoop their eyes out they still see the countless visions of the watcher plaguing their sight.

At a moment when this great entity was at its most vulnerable hit with a idea that it not anticipated Norgrazath's corpse lies on the land of Exilis, at least the idea or it, torn down the middle by a violent shift in time and reality has rendered this great old god in a state of a sort of Half-life, It is not dead nor alive, its not even correct to say it currently exists in a fathomable state. A coma of eternity that this entity will never truly wake from.

Followers of the watcher normally sacrifice their eye sight as a show of faith to the great old God, most lesser followers simply cover their eyes with fabric or metal but the more devoted have their eyes removed and offered as sacrifice for the Old God. these most faithful do not need to see as the watcher sees for them.
These devoted are often trained as clerics or monks are through there devotion are granted a minds eye by the Watcher.

  • religion/norgrazath.1698881322.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 17 months ago
  • by Kyle