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Written by: Sammy

It’s not fair.

It’s still so vivid. I see it every time I want to sleep, screaming for mercy. At first it was anger until the first axe fell. I…they fucking…..they cut me up….they butchered me like a ..a pig. HE DID THIS. My own father. Strapped me to the stone bench and fell axe after axe. Him and the others. They robbed me of my legs. My arms. Kept me awake during the whole thing. DAYS.
Unable to rest, unable to escape. They kept me there suffering for days on that stone slab. I pleaded, I BEGGED, I PRAYED. But….no one came. Not even kelevmor, who I had devoted everything too.
What had I done to deserve this I wondered. What could anyone have done to deserve this?

Eventually it stopped and all I saw was darkness. I don’t know how long. Until. I felt my body come back. I could feel everything. I couldn't breath. I flailed and struggled unable to control my body and suddenly I herd a crack then The was of water as I flopped and gravity took hold. Everything was blurry, my hearing was muffled as I struggled to get to my feet. I tried and tried but my arms and legs wouldn’t obey as I flopped around on the ground. I coughed up a lot of water. Everything on my body stung as I fought to gain control of it. Then I herd muffled voices and felt hands grab me and help me up.

My legs shaking uncontrollably unable to support the rest of me, The bright light faded as I was put in a chair. The material soft as I realized I was naked. I was helpless as a new born baby. I couldn’t think straight.

Then…I realised what was going on. I herd screaming, piercing terrified screaming. Muffled. I tried to look around to see where it was coming from my vision still blurry and I didn’t realize until a bad was forced over my mouth that it was my screams.

After what seemed like hours things stated to become clear, my vision was correcting itself and my hearing was back, my skin stopped stinging and I was able to gain some control over my limbs.

  • story/butchered.txt
  • Last modified: 11 months ago
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