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Feat: Background
Feat: LV4
Feat: LV8
Feat: LV12
Feat: LV16


Common Sight:1) Yes
Passive Perception: 00
Dark Vision: 00ft
True Sight: 0ft
Tremor Sense: 0ft
Blind Sight: 0ft



Walking 00ft
Swimming 00ft
Climbing 00ft
Flying 00ft


Platinum Gold Silver Copper
0 0 0 0
Occupation Occupation
Income Lifestyle
+0 GpD -0GpD
Other Expences/Income

GpD = Gold per Day

Location Item Stats
Head This is text to make sure the collems in this table expand rather than the whole table itself
Weapon Repilcache

Carrying Capacity
Strength x 15 = Carrying Capacity
Strength x 15 = Lift,Push,Pull Capacity

Carry Capacity Lift, Push, Pull Capacity Equipped Load
000ibs 000Ibs 000Ibs

Consumables & Useful Items

Item Name Details

Special Items

Name Detail
Devil Brew's Cart
Healer's Kit2) A kit of medical supplies.

Misc / Junk Items

Item Detail
Attack Hit Damage
Weapon Attack +00 1d6+0
Unarmed Attack +00 1d4+0
Core Saves
STR +0 DEX +0 CON +0
INT +0 WIS +0 CHA +0
Spell Slots
1st 0 2nd 0 3rd 0
4th 0 5th 0 6th 0
7th 0 8th 0 9th 0

Skill Saves
Acrobatics +0
Medicine +0
Animal Handling +0
Nature +0
Arcana +0
Perception +0
Athletics +0
Performance +0
Deception +0
Persuasion +0
History +0
Religion +0
Insight +0
Sleight of Hand +0
Intimidation +0
Stealth +0
Investigation +0
Survival +0
Passive Ability Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Ability Name Stat Source
Active Ability Description Action Usage/Recovery Source
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial
Name Stat Action/Bonus/Reaction 1 per rest Racial

Scholars study many things, you decided to follow a long lost method of weaving arcane energy into ink.

Skill Proficiencies

  • Perception
  • History

Languages And Tools

  • Elven
  • Tattooist Tools

Equipment (If Any)

  • Tattooist tools
  • 200g of Ink Supplies
  • Artistic Sketch Book

Feature: Eldrich Adept

Source: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
Studying occult lore, you have unlocked eldritch power within yourself: you learn one Eldritch Invocation option of your choice from the warlock class. If the invocation has a prerequisite, you can choose that invocation only if you're a warlock and only if you meet the prerequisite.
Whenever you gain a level, you can replace the invocation with another one from the warlock class.

  • Eyes of the Rune Keeper Source: Player's Handbook
  • You can read all writing.

A handy place for you to write notes as if your character was writing.
For Reference or Lore fill it how you want.

Standard eye sight
This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.
  • character/cinder/stats.1741675448.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 42 hours ago
  • by Cinder