Nashandra Davilok Knell

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[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Text
[3] Text
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Art by Cinder-Lonestar


Name / Titles: Nashandra Davilok Knell
Class: Cleric of Knowledge
Species: Hag-Drider
Nationality: Underdark
Home: -

Character Information

Background: - Mechanical Background
Born: - (AGE) Day-Month-Year, Can exclude year
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Undercommon, Elven
Tools: - tools character is proficient with
Gear: - Gear character is proficient with, weapons, armour etc
Saves: - Main Stat Saves character is proficient with
Profession: Perfumer
Hag things
Affiliation: - Organisations or groups character has relations with
Faith: - Gods character follows or no gods at all

Physical Description

Type: Fiend
Height: - in ft & CM
Weight: - in ibs & KG, also what build the character is (Under-weight, Average, Muscular, Tone, Over-Weight, Obese)
Size: 3×3 Square
Complexion: Light Blue
Texture: - Scales, flesh, fur etc
Eyes: Red
Hair: White (Waist Length)
Details: - Extra Anatomy, wings tails, Markings, scars, extra texture such as patches scales, magic hair etc
Gender: Female


Partner: - Lover or close too it
Sister: Flavin Knell
Nephew: Arno

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: -
Favorite Drink: -
Games: - Outside of hobbies
Hobbies: - Outside of Occupation, games, music
Sexuality: - what is the characteriser attracted to if anything
Music: - Types character enjoys to listen or play

Stories & Campaigns

-: -
-: -


Level Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(0) 10(0) 10(+0)
10(0) 10(+0) 10(+0)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Save DC Modifier
00 +00

When her sister was desperate for an escape, Nashandra did all in her power to get her to the mortal plane, Once she was free, Nashandra was taken before the Drow Goddess in chains, receiving the punishment all Drow fear, Exiled from their cities and transformed into what most know as a Drider.

She was always a bit of a loony lady, She would keept to herself and pour her time into studying twisted forbidden magic. Aside from learning how to walk again and the size growth not much of Nashandra’s personal life was changed from Exile, perhaps why she was so willing to go against the Spider Queen’s wishes.

A near obsession with beauty and power are her driving forces, Like a cackling old witch from your fairytale stories. Through her exile nobody saw what she was becoming, the forbidden magic that drenched in temptation altered her being even further, No longer a simple Drider now a true monster.

Her obsession with beauty has lead to her activity hunting and devouring those who deem themselves more beautiful than the others. Their essence and bodies adding to Nashandra’s own.

As the years went on her natural infuelnce began to spread. Stories of a hideous & beautiful monster that lived in a large building out of sight, off the beaten path. It attracted other Drow that had either defected or been expunged from the Spider Queen’s blessings. Looking for a new leader however Nashandra was anything but.
Though she offered little in terms of actual leadership she did offer favours and deals with her Hag magic. Often granting what normal arcane power could not in exchange for some very steep costs. But most either faithful or desperate enough to pay the tolls recieved what they wished with little tricks. Its very well known that a deal with a Hag Comes with tremendous risk and often leads to outcomes worse than the receiver started but either out of kindness or some deeper meaning Nashandra played her deals very open, but it would be naive to think that the deals were ever without some drawback.
Her most requested payment were beautiful women, ones she could devour for herself. Drow raids on the surface were conducted with these themes in mind, to collect offerings for the Night Hag Nashandra.
Another common request are dreams.

Deapite her isolation Nashandra has become a well known name around the Underdark. Her open deals and vast knowledge of taboo arts attract many dedezen of the Underdark looking for favour. She has a large community of Drow under her servitude, closer to a cult.
She desires little more than what she has currently and only means to keep her status quoe, Making deals as entertainment, devouring the beautiful to add to her own, walking through the dream scape and growing her lovely garden of dangerous fauna.

She loves the idea of a Drow culture, The savage people only know Survival and violence but the few small specs of community and culture she wants to have thrive. She is one of the finest teaches of Drow apothecaries, Poisons, Salvants and antidotes she has studied vigorisly and recorded all her findings in a journal which she has copied to creat Davilok’s Manuscript to Poisons, Cures and Fauna from the Underdark, Quite a nifty magic item and one Nashandra is very proud of.



Brief on Drow & Drider

The most common intelligent species you will find among the Underdark are known as Drow, A species of Elven decent but share the similar chararistics of a dark blue complexion and white hair. It at least makes them easy to identify.
The Drider are Drow who have been transformed via an agonising process normally passed down by the Drow's Queen Goddess.
Centaur-like creatures with the bodies of giant spiders or similar arachnid from the waist down, Matching the image of the Drow's Goddess.
This is normally seen as a punishment delivered by the Spider queen. Given to those Drow that have shamed the queen beyond redemption or committed some form of great sin. Isolated and exiled.
Male Drider are mostly left to their isolated life forever more, To wander the Underdark shunned by other Drow. You will often find them just outside Drow encampments in an effort not to be completely alone, Some are even used as makeshift slaves.
Female Drider more often are treated differently. Lady Drider normally grow their own cult-like followings weather by choice or not. Other Drow who may not agree with the Spider Queen's teachings looking for a new leader or belive that the transformation is a form of blessing, Seeing the new female Drider as a sort of prophet from the Spider Queen.


A Call from the Wilds
An Invitation from the Hag most know as Slackjaw. She needed assistance in re-writing the laws of the Feywild could such a thing be done? Nashandra was more than interested. The terms were set and the spells conducted.
Nashandra took her refuge in an abandoned fortress where she mostly returned to her studies awaiting for the coven spell to do it work ever so slowly. The Deal with Slackjaw was paid upfront, Nashandra must see it through unless the clause is made to break the deal.

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  • character/davilok.txt
  • Last modified: 5 months ago
  • by Cinder