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Dialias are corrupted creatures born defected. An unholy unique offspring from Demonic parents.
Their very existence is in itself a miracle but also sin as every breath drawn is an insult to the Gods.
Many Dialias appears as simple tieflings, Shifters, Lycans or odd Tabaxi to the common folk but are easily noticeable to the well trained eye. All Dialias share a few common traits mainly the eyes.
Bad luck follows a Dialias whenever it may go.
As a Dialias you have most likely been alone your entire life up until you met you soul bond partner. How you met this partner of yours is up to you.
Maybe it saved you in a time of need or the other way around. Maybe it was given as a gift or accidentally happened. Maybe you are still young and yet to find your soul bond partner.

Title Detail
Species Class: humanoid, fey, fiend, dragon etc
Population: Common, Rare, Exotic, Mythical etc
Homeland/Origin: Realm, Nation Etc
Average Hight: Cm , Feet
Lifespan: Years
Physical Traits: Tails, Wings, Fur, Pointy ears, Scales etc
Source: Dialias Homebrew

In Felwind
Dialias have a very small presence in Felwind.
Seen as living curses, bringers of Ill fortune. Dialias have been propaganded into superscitious folk lore and scary children's stories.

Terrible luck or I'll fortune is blamed on the presence of a Dialias.
Places were crops refuse to grow is said to have a Dialias walk along i

After the The Ashlem War ended in 12286, Aasimar became outlawed throughout Mor-Thir along with Tieflings, Dragonborn, Aasimar, and Changelings. However is 12335 This ruling was changed to paradon all except Tieflings.

Less Known Trait.


Nine Hells
Dialias are a rare defected race caused by unknown complications during Demonic breeding, creatures born with fractured souls live tragically short lives and once they die their soul vanishes completely unable to remain or go to the afterlife. All Dialias call The Nine Hells home weather they want to or not but are drawn to the mortal realm for a life away from suffering.

Dialias are of humanoid appearance often appearing similar to Tieflings, Shifters, Lycans/Off brand Tabaxi, the truth is that Dialias come in many shapes and sizes but they all share a few common traits. One of the traits is their blood, it is a dark crimson morone/black in colour.

Unlike most decetizens of the nine hells, Dialias are able to travel to and from in a much easier manner then most others. Some speculate this is a survival method as no creature natually in the nine hells can soul bond with a Dialias as they have none or its owned by a Lord of Hell.

In the nine hells they are treated as diseased vermin kept far away from population. Off ten locked away to rot and die.
Unfortunately this treatment extends to the other plains too.






  • culture/daialis.txt
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by Cinder