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Loxodon also known as 'Elephant-Folk' are almost unheard of in Felwind and the realms around. Their Homeland was lost long ago but the Gods of Mount Celestia took pity and offered them along with the 'Leonin' Refuge in their realm.
Their kind has spent many millennia living at the base of Celestia. They are known as gentle giants. Often humming or chanting in sonorous tones together, Loxodon being closely associated with Elephants are not known for their speed or urgent. They work mostly as Scholars watching and recording the events of other realms so as to prevent the destruction of their home land from repeating.
Some Loxodon survived that destruction but did not seek refuge from the Gods, Instead beginning survival on their own terms.

Title Detail
Species Class: Beast
Population: Mythical
Homeland/Origin: Celestia
Oxtrad / Athein
Average Hight/Weight: 250cm~ , 7~8ft
130~180kg , 300~400ibs
Lifespan: 400~500 Years
Physical Traits: Elephant Likeness
Source: Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, Page 18

Loxodon in Felwind
Loxodon are only ever spoken in legend among the common folk of Felwind. Most simply chalk-up their existence as stories or misguided sightings. Any Loxodon that are seen in the mortal realm are often only their as visitors. On a special scholarly crusade or research trip.
When Loxodon are seen outside Celestia It normally means something is out of balance or needs urgent attention.
Its rare to find a single Loxodon. Often they travel in groups between four and eight when on one of their scholarly crusades. A lone Loxodon may have been separated from the group or have had a major event causing them to willingly or un-willingly live alone. Whatever the reason for a Loxodn to be alone the story behind it is sure to be interesting.

Any Loxodon that are living in the mortal realm are very well hidden or isolated. Rumors' of Loxodon being found as healers in small isolated settlements are the most herd of but even these rumors' are few and far between.

Loxodon will often find a mate for life. Loxodn do not consider themselves as mature until around 60 years old. at this point the Loxodon are expected to find a mate within the next few years. romantic passion or lust are exceedingly rare in a Loxodon community however deep seated love is a core part of their beliefs. A couple of Loxodn should consider themselves two sides of the same coin, If their is a hint of doubt then the pairing is not to be. the Sex/Gender of Loxodn is not considered when a couple is formed, It is common to find same sex couples in Loxodn communities.
Loxodn mate like most humanoid species and the maternity cycle is also very similar if a bit longer than a human.

Despite their rarity in Felwind their stature and presence demand respect from even the most pretentions of people. Standing before a Loxodon is said to cause mixed feelings of peace and anxiety. It is unwise to question a Loxodn's words they often arrive only to help or warn of an impending omen. The few that are recorded in history are often seen as saviors after a terrible disaster, Or carriers of Omen trying to prevent the disaster from coming to pass.
The often know far more than they let on. Loxodon are said to arrive like a warm spring breeze and leave like a soothing chilly autumn gust.

Even Loxodon that have taken up a blade still hold this wise calm aura. Its very rare to see a Loxodon give in to anger or rage but even the most steadfast species can be broken down.
An Adventuring Loxodon in Felwind will expect to find many a gaze being drawn. Attention will be drawn but it will hardly ever be negative in nature. The downtrodden may see a Loxodon as a savior and come to beg for assistance with their issues, however insignificant or major those issues may be. Scholars or Nobles may have a natural respect for a Loxodon and a band of adventures they are traveling with. But this is no excuse for the other members of the party to think they may get away with any unsavory behavior.

Though there are more known Loxodon in Felwind. But the people of Felwind don't know them as Loxodon. Great primal 'Elephant-Beasts' Seen in some of the deepest parts of Oxtrad and Athein. Loxodon that never sought refuge from the Gods instead began living in the harshest areas of Felwind, Isolated and quiet.

The Frostwarn Loxodon
If ever found, Frostwarn Loxodon are found in the deepest most isolated areas of Oxtrad and Athien's Blizzard soaked mountains. The few tribes around are found in deep glacial caves where their society is very similar to Goliath. Tribal in nature but conquest in feats of strength is replaced by study and enlightenment.
Frostwarn Loxodon are very cautious of outsiders and their calm demenium betrays their terrifying strength. They are known to hunt in groups of two and will often hunt large mammals or great insectoids.
Much like Goliath, Frostwarn Loxodon are a very tight nit tribal community. sometimes a member of the Tribe wishes to leave the tribe in search of their own adventure or enlightenment. These Loxodon are often magically marked and forbidden from returning to the tribe until they are ready to pass on. Not a decision to be made lightly but all Frostwarn Loxodn understand and accept this tradition.

The Regular species of Loxodon often referenced how ever rarely they are

Possibly even rarer than Loxodn found in Celestia are the monstrous Frostwarn Loxodon. Humanoid Beasts far larger than your average humanoid and some of the eldest are known to grow up huge.
There remain elephant in likeness however their thick hide is covered in thick fur to fight of the dreadfully cold climate they live in. Their tusks tend to be far larger or grow in multiples.
They tend to be marked in Giant runes for traditional or protection reasons, How these Loxodon are affiliated with Giants is unknown. Aside from their physical appearance Frostwarn are not far different culturally from their celestial kin, Holding community in high value and seeking enlightenment. However Frostwarn have to balance this with their need for hunting and surviving.
Only ever found in harsh blizzard country. A Frostwarn Loxodon leaving their home and Tribe must have a very good reason.



  • culture/loxodon.txt
  • Last modified: 3 months ago
  • by Cinder