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Black List

Motto Unsavory services for Unsavory People
Location -
Estate(s) -


Skills Defenses
Diplomacy: +0 Communications: 00
Espionage: +0 Resolve: 00
Lore: +0 Resources: 00
Operations: +0

Gold: 00

The exact age of Blacklist is unknown, Due to the nature of the group most records were never kept on tangible mediums but most agree it was many decades before the Ashlem War.
The reason behind Black list should be obvious. Smart people realized that the smartest way to work was off the books. People willing to pay a lot of gold for things most say they are not allowed to do. Paying way more then any normal honest work could pay. Pulled together by the crime lords of the day, Blacklist became the official title for the organized crime movement. slowly growing to be in every corner of Reton and Covania including the lands of Promise.

Unable to obtain secure channels in Oxtrad due to the harsh nature of its leaders it was smarter to leave Oxtrad alone for now. But as rumours of Oxtrad's Queen begin to trickle through, Rumours of the Queens “disappearance” or “Marriage” or “Stepping down from her post” Its unclear at the moment which truths are lies and which lies are true. One thing is for certain, something major is happening with Oxtrad's hierarchy.

Blacklist is divided into a few sections based on the type of work being conducted


General Store in Sabersteel

Safe house in Mulburb

Safe House in West March

Brothel in Whitkin

Brothel In DragonHold


Large Establishment in Ferrabreeze under the guise of a shipping company

General store in Hazle post

Large establishment in the cunning expanse region

Brothel in Sunwood

Safe house in the Harburns woods region


Safe House in Vylanna Forrest region

Average sized shipping company in Fridged Coast (Has the same name as the one in Covania)


Owns a large portion of North port and town

Several small safe houses hidden throuout the archipelago

Blacklist is divided into 3 distinctive segments of work.

  • King Pin: NAME
  • Pins: NAME, NAME, NAME
  • Specialties: Thievery, Scouting & Assassination
    Members in this division specialized in getting in and out of any place without making a sound. You have everyone from scouts to do recon, gather information or relay messages to full fledged assassins able to remove almost any target for the right price.
    A majority of these members are expert thieves that can either steal something for you or even put something where its not supposed to be. Members in this division have also been known to take jobs requiring someone to be kidnapped or broken out of jail.
  • King Pin: Madam G
  • Pins: NAME, NAME, NAME
  • Specialties: Seduction, Pleasure & Private affairs
    The public face of Blacklist is one of dark pleasures and fantasies. seductive burlesque shows, private one on one sessions. its hot and heavy and the public love it. Blacklist has infamous brothels located in almost every major city and even entire streets are dedicated to their business in the larger capitals. normally located at the back of public view but a public secret none the less.
    Blacklist's brothels offer all sorts of entertainment including extravagant burlesque shows. smaller parties for groups and private one on one affairs. everything from massage to the darkest sin can be done her for the right price.
    Do not get the wrong idea, not just anyone can get into these very exclusive houses, its a members only Business which keeps the scum and lowlifes out. Membership to these Brothels can only be obtained for a lot of gold or if you happen to be a VIP of some sort. Members are permitted to bring up too 3 guests along with them for the major events but guests are not permitted to have access to any other service.
    A high degree of class is expected of all members/guests when on the premise.
  • King Pin: Name
  • Pins: NAME, NAME, NAME
  • Specialties: Trafficking, Recovery & Relocation:
    Ever since the outlawed were introduced these jobs have sky rocketed.

One of our most skilled thieves has seemingly vanished from what records we do keep. Its a great loss but the scrub was done cleanly, Someone high up must have been involved.

A new guild calling itself Blackfyre Seems to have taken roots in Covania's capital. Competition may be just what Blacklist needs to further is reach.

Something seems to have happened to Oxtrad's Queen, the few spies we have in the icy land's capital say there seems to be major movement throughout the Guild masters there.

I Want That
Single item to be stolen for client, Price is determined by location of item and what type of item it is.
Urgency fee can be applied

I Want All of it
Heist of single or multiple high value locations, Price is determined by locations client wishes to hit,
Client pays un upfront fee and an amount of stolen goods is agreed upon before heist takes place, any extra stolen goods is kept by the service providers.

I Want Someone Gone
Single target to be removed from their position, Decided with client if the target is to be scared, captured, removed or killed. Price of job varies depending on these factors as well as who the target is.

I Need to Know

Someone else needs this more then me

I Would like you to Deliver this

I Want to

Teostra Decota Fortune Thief Defected
Through several deals and murders Teo cut all ties with Blacklist No records remain of his involvement only memories from other members remain.

Griss Blackout MIA
Blacklist Has tried several times to get in Contact with Griss after Greyhawk declared independence. but he calls himself Kazrai Stem and denies any involvement, when pressured reports say eldrich beings attacked. Through further information gathering the higher ups are convinced an Outer-God has intervened with Griss and so all records were scrubbed in an attempt not to draw whatever eldrich God had its tendrils on Griss.

Vex Decota Code Name
Leonin specialising in thievery and Assassination, She has picked off a few targets in her time at Blacklist, Even lost an arm during an important job.

Folgo Decota Code Name
Young but full of natural talent one of the best thieves Black List has had in a while. Aside from looking like his father nobody is a wear of their family relation.

Orphell the Oblex Code Name
A young Oblex under the care and control of Blacklist. used as a tool for various tasks that would otherwise be next to impossible. Able to copy a targets look and personality exactly and able to drain memories from targets Orphell has become an invaluable tool that the higher ups are relying more and more on.

Lenny, Larry & Larsen
Although everyone refers to them as brothers they are not related at all. Key information gathers and contacts for Blacklist members out in the field

Korak Picklebone
Large Leonin in charge of the northern third of the Promised Archipelago

Burtha Rangal
The Hostess of the brothel in Whitkin. Large lady with shimmering brown hair, Tough as an Orc.

Gertrude Merryane
The Hostess of the brothel in Reton's capital

Gloria Wolfgang
The hostess of the brothel in Sunwood

Vincent Villon
Once a soldier for the Reton army, Part of the Duke's personal elite squad. After loss during the battle of Rustiel Vincent managed to flee with his life being the only survivor. After learning that the one who bested him was involved in the criminal world Vincent joined in an effort to face him once again. Unfortunately the one Vincent was chasing vanished soon after he joined.

Tabby Yok
Child Tabaxi was child to a member of Blacklist, After they died Tabby was tasked to pick up her parents left over jobs. Tabby has since become a full fledged member and one of the key informants from west Covania.

Burgh De
Leader of the few boatmen on Blacklist's payroll around Mor-Thir and Captain of The Getaway. Most call him “Commodore De” due to his command over the other captains. there are a total of 5 Ships in his fleet including his own. Each ship with its own dedicated crew and captain.

Marak Himer
Runs the desert guides through the Sera Sand-Sea In Oxtrad. Key information gathering relating to those entering and leaving Oxtrad. Also orginises protection from bandits. and is a spotter for VIP targets for other Blacklist members to rob or kidnap.

Maleny Rigsm Defected
Maleny, A tiefling elf cross breed who worked her way up as a scout and informant for Blacklist and was considered one of the best for her time. But after hitting a roadblock, Unable to gain any further ground in the hierarchy she left Blacklist. Its unknown under what terms she left under and her tracks have been well covered.

There are several members of Blacklist that are simple labour, Assistants, Servants, Slaves. Many of these members go unnamed but are important members to keep operations running smoothly.

  • faction/blacklist.1698906584.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder