Prerequisite: 4th-level, 4 Levels in Druid

Your extensive time spent Wildshaped into an animal has granted you the following benefits:

  • Ability Score Increase: Increase your Constitution or Wisdom Score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: While Wildshaped you can add your proficiency bonus to your form's Armor Class.
  • Fluid Transformation: As part of your Action, or Bonus Action if your subclass is Circle of the Moon, when you Wildshape you can also take the Dash, Disengage or Attack action. When you take the Attack action you can only make one attack regardless if your form allows you to make multiple attacks.
  • homebrew/feat/wildshape_expert.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Luke