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Type: Belt, Rarity: Varies, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size @@Size@@
Weight @@Weight@@
AC @@AC@@


While wearing this belt, your Strength score changes to a score granted by the belt. The item has no effect on you if your Strength without the belt is equal to or greater than the belt's score.

Six varieties of this belt exist, corresponding with and having rarity according to the six kinds of true giants. The belt of stone giant strength and the belt of frost giant strength look different, but they have the same effect.

Type Strength Rarity
Hill giant 21 Rare
Stone/frost giant 23 Very rare
Fire giant 25 Very rare
Cloud giant 27 Legendary
Storm giant 29 Legendary

A detailed work of magical ink depicting many of the giant's dialect.

The mark traditionally starts with the feats of the hill giant, with feats of the other giants being added later as the host earns their strength.

Weaving magic into ink has been something magic users have been doing for thousands of years, normally its pen to parchment but more recently a new special skill has been discovered allowing the truly talented to mark the flesh of a creature with magic itself.

Converting the magic from an existing spell or even an enchanted item is a long and tedious process however the pay-off is a permanent part of the accepting host. \ The item used is destroyed in the process



  • item/belt_of_giants.txt
  • Last modified: 11 months ago
  • by Kyle