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Type: Neck, Rarity: Rare, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Standard
Weight Light
AC -

Storming Step

  • You can Cast an altered Misty Step with this item as a bonus action up to twice in 24 hours. Its distance is increased to 00ft and creatures within 10ft of your starting position and ending position take 2D6 Lightning damage.

Enhanced Tempestuous Magic
For Storm Sorcerer

  • The bonus movement you gain from your 1st level Storm Sorcerer ability is increased to 20ft instead of 10ft.
    Also you can use the movement as a free action after casting a levelled spell instead of requiring a bonus action.

Soul Bound

  • If Equiped by Caligos they can ignore the attunemeant requirement.


A well made magical scarf that has been enhanced beyond its original design.

A mix in shades of blue with lightning bolts etched into the fabric. Its glows faintly with arcane.


This scarf once belonged to a bandit Harengon of the Feywilds. It was won from him by a half-elf in a game of skill.

The scarf was weaved with gentle wisps giving it new strength and then re-forged by a silver dragon to creat something truly unique.

  • item/caligos_scarf.txt
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder