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Type: Wonderous Item, Class: Mundane, Rarity: Uncommon, Attunement: Not Required

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A smooth seemingly polished shard of quartz between 30cm & 40cm in length. Normally the crystal is transparent like glass with simple natural minor imperfections on the surface or within the crystal.
When the crystal has a message stored the crystal fogs up, With the level of fog depending on how many words the message contains.

The crystals can be linked together in a network of sorts to enable message sending over an unlimited distance between crystals. This only requires leaving the crystals together in a container or similar for 12 hours. A crystal can be paired with up too three 'networks' at a time.

Once the crystal has stored a message it can either be sent to another crystal or rubbed upon a suitable surface to 'print' the message out. The language of the message is the same as what it was stored as.

These special crystals were first recorded in the 'Underdark' One of Oxrad's many expeditions retrieved these crystals in mass and brought them to the surface. Study reviled their properties and they were able to grow more under a specific artificial environment.
Though their use hasn't been fully realised being more of a novelty than a useful tool. It has seen use as a way of discreetly passing along messages, Rather than an obvious letter a dull foggy cheep crystal that most would overlook.
Others have found use of it as a listening device, The crystals naturally record sounds nearby. Placing one as a humble decoration in the meeting room of rulers may earn interesting insights.

  • item/messaging_crystal.txt
  • Last modified: 12 months ago
  • by Cinder