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Type: Wonderous, Class: Item, Rarity: Rare, Attunement: Not Required

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Otherwise known as Living Tapestries, These magnificent tapestry at first appears to display a scene depicting life in the local area. The threads are expensively dyed, and real gold and silver are woven into it, giving it brilliant colours and incredibly fine detail. Expressions can be made out on the tiny faces of any people living nearby.

Watching the tapestry closely reveals it is not an idyllic depiction of a time gone by it is live. It shows what is happening around the area in which it is installed. It is impossible to detect motion while looking at it, however one only notices change when looking away and then looking back.

If found uninstalled, the tapestry depicts a scene from wherever it was last installed, and it does not change its scene until it is installed again.


Forvon's Gallery
Large near two story tapestry that depicts King's Hold district of Sunwood.

  • item/tapestry_of_reweaving.txt
  • Last modified: 11 months ago
  • by Kyle