Lockheart Residence

Type: Family Home

A Large and very fancy family home located in Griaca's southern lands REGION HERE

The home is on private gated land and is well known around town for being the seamstress Silky's home.

The House has been extended multiple times so there is a bit of a smashed together aesthetic to the home, doors and corridors all over, little hidden rooms and unorthodox passages.

There is a smaller home seperate from the main house thats where Quill stays.

Title Detail
Type Family Home
Sub-Type -
Location ???
Region Griaca
Owner Silky Lockheart
Ozrelia Lockheart
Guests/Employees -

Residents, Shops, Notes, etc.

Final Touches Boutique

Ozrelia's Mushroom Home

  • location/lockheart_residence.txt
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by Cinder