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Titles The Forgotten God
Alignment ?
Symbol Description
Domains ?
Worshipers ?

The origins of the Forgotten God are long lost or hidden away in the darkest depths of the vast astral sea. Not even the Hexblade itself remembers what it once was. Rumours and theories by todays scholars suggest that it was once one of the Old Gods Captured and sealed away in a stone slate, But that theory is far fetched at best.

That slate was made into the original Hexblade with Warlocks following this patron finding or receiving shards broken off the original.

Other Notable

The Original Hexblade was thought to be long lost however one of its strongest followers was called to the Abyss and retrieved the original blade. Transforming the follower into a monstrous form. freed from the Abyss the Blade and Zyllis ended up on the shores of Perditsula.

  • religion/hexblade.1699598196.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 7 months ago
  • by Cinder