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Type: Armour, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Full body
Weight Heavy
AC 15 to 25


If someone wears the armour it immediately becomes a part of the creature, fusing with their skin and flesh. While the armour cannot be removed, it feels like a second skin (transforming into a natural armour starting at 15 AC), and wearing it the creature no longer needs to eat or drink and they stop aging. It is comfortable and easily slept in. In combat the wearer feels no pain, even when dealt the most grievous of wounds. Whenever the creature is dropped to 0hp, the armour immediately stabilises them and they receive a permanent +1 to AC. Once this happens 5 times, they become resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, taking only half the damage dealt. Once this occurs 10 times, they become immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. These effects are permanent.


Currently worn and bound to Rose

Spoilers / Secrets

  • item/black_knight_armour.txt
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Kyle