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Type: Wonderous Item, Class: Mundane, Rarity: Very Rare, Attunement: Not Required

Stat Detail
Hand Mirror Tiny Object
Body Mirror Medium Object

These special silver mirrors always come in pairs. When activated as an action, a mirror establishes a visual link with its paired mirror for 10 minutes, with the two mirrors acting as opposite sides of the same open window. The mirrors create this connection even if both are on different planes.
Once the connection between the two mirrors has been activated three times from either end, it can't be activated again until the next dawn.

Advanced Mirror of Convocation and Teleportation
Some of these mirrors have been further enchanted to act as a doorway as well as a window. A pair of body sized mirrors that have been planted in permanent locations can be further enhanced to allow safe passage between them as if they were a simple doorway no matter the distance between the mirrors.
Once a day the mirror may be activated from either end to open transportation for one minuet. any number of creatures or objects may pass through the mirrors during this time so long as they physically fit.
The doorway can be closed early at anytime by the one who activated it initially. Any object or creature caught between the doorway when it closes is severed in two.

If either mirror is moved from its resting place the teleportation link is severed and will need to be re-established.

When a single Mirror Of Conversation is found, the DM can decide where its paired mirror is and who possesses it.
If the DM wishes they can roll for a random possessor and/Or location can be determined by rolling 1 or 2 D8 against the table below.

Where is the 2nd Mirror?
d8 Location Possessor
1 Mor-Thir A High Ranking Noble who uses it as a normal mirror
2 Ostrov The mirror is in an empty dungeon as Loot
3 Promise Set up in a private dressing room
4 Perditsula Stored away in a Dragon's Hoard belonging too Dyndryd the Eternal
5 Feywild Master Movrag One of Remon Academy's Masters
6 Underdark In a shop waiting to be sold
7 9 Hells Held as a trinket by a monster in a dungeon
8 Mount Celestia Heleste Toumond Member of 'The Fellowship of the Alicorn'

Pair's Known

Queen's Monsters
The resurrected Heros were given one of these mirrors to keep in contact with the Queen of Oxtrad. One of these Hand mirrors still resides in the Queen's castle but the other resides with Aldrun. Its unknown if he has disposed of it or still has it.

Folgo's Hideout
A recent gift from a Genie of the Feywild. Linked to a Mirror located in House Xelor this mirror is primarily used by Folgo to journey to and from his partner Velvin. Being in his hideout the Mirror is imbedded on the 2nd floor of the tower.

Sea Spire & Palance of Vrugbaar
(Recently moved)
Was once located in Professor Stem's personal study however since the closure of the Sea Spire it has been put into storage awaiting a new permanent location.

An edited version of 'Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn's Mirror of Infinite Transpondence

A very hand and expensive item. Invaluable for its use. Instant communication no matter where the mirrors are located. Normally used for more personal reasons such as lovers keeping in touch.
Far more valuable and rarer still being the mirrors allowing teleportation. Allowing simple doorways between far off locations and dimensions. Though such convenience is often fickle and expensive to set up.

  • item/mirror_of_conversation.1706322650.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder