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The Ashlem War: Moranon's Gate
Campaign 8
MCDM RPG - Draw Steel | Level: 1
Setting: Ashlem Rise, 12270 | Length: Short (est. 7-13 sessions)
Politics: Low | Roleplay: Medium | Combat: High
War between the Kingdom of Covania and the Crown of Oxtrad has been dragging on for six years, fighting for control of the resource rich Ashlem Rise, a once beautiful mountain range dividing the two nations. You're in a encampment in a narrow pass dwarfed by mountains either side, when suddenly the sky grows dark. Red lighting cracks overhead. Blinding flashes. Smell of sulphur. Screams ringing in your ears. After brief adjustment, you find yourself in an unfamiliar landscape surrounded by demonic and devilish figures. Time to fight like Hell.
Extra info:
Conscription in Covania had been in place since start of the Ashlem War (six years before campaign start)
Oxtrad started conscription five years after the war started (one year before campaign start)
The Love Accord was established 10 months after conscription was brought in for Oxtrad, seeing that leaders don't intend to deescalate some defectors create the Love Accord to defend civilians and wounded no matter their allegiance.(two months before campaign start)
Many more mercenaries, adventures, and heroes travel the Ashlem Rise and it's surrounds aiding civilians, separate from the Love Accord
- 12264
- Covania makes first attack on Campnora Mine controlled by Oxtrad
- Ashlem War begins
- Oxtrad retaliates by destroying the Campnora Mine entrance
- Multiple skirmishes begin in the region
- 12265
- Covania deploys Task Force: Blinding Spear
- Oxtrad retakes Nabilhime Fortress and establishes powerful defence
- Oxtrad blocks multiple passes trapping and starving out Covanian forces
- 12266
- Covania razes unprotected city on Frigid Coast, killing civilians and disrupting food supply
- 12267
- Covania awakens and allies with an unknown dragon who takes control of Nabilhime but allows none to enter
- Oxtrad Arcanists discover new mass production method for potions and minor enchantments
- 12268
- Oxtrad breach Kings Strait and attack Sunwood, Capital of Covania
- Covania able to repel attack after large losses
- 12269
- Oxtrad starts conscription after large losses
- 12270
- Love Accord created by defectors who are sick of fighting in a War
- Campaign: The Ashlem War: Moranon's Gate
- Demons invade the Ashlem Rise
- Treaty between Covania and Oxtrad formed
- 12272
- Royal Conglomerate is formed, turning treaty into official alliance
- 12285
- Ashlem War ends
- Race outlaw in Mor-Thir begins
- 12335
- Race outlaw in Mor-Thir ends