Lord Maru Yin

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
[4] MCDM: Illrigger
[5] Localath's Rising
[6] Unearthed Arcana 15 - Feats
[7] Homebrew

Art by Girmo1)


Name / Titles: Lord, Maru Yin
Class: Samurai Fighter
Species: Bullywug (Loclath)
Nationality: Fey-Wild
Home: -

Character Information

Background: Ronnin
Born: 4th Tuesday, Seedmoot
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common
Tools: Wood-carvers Tools
Gear: Simple & Martial Weapons
All Armor
Saves: Dexterity
Profession: Wanderer, Fisher-Toad
Looking for Employment
Affiliation: The Feywild
Faith: -

Physical Description

Type: Humanoid
Height: 7.9ft / 240cm
Weight: 375ibs / 170kg
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: Blue & Orange
Eyes: Blue
Pattern: Orange
Gender: Male

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: Fish of the Day
Favorite Drink: Bitter Black4)
Games: Backgammon
Hobbies: Fishing
Sexuality: Asexual
Music: Throat Singing, Banjo

Stories & Champaings



Parents: -
Siblings: -


Level Base Total
InitSpeed Prof
+030ft +00
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
10(+0) 19(+4) 14(+2)
11(+0) 18(+4) 14(+2)

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Stat

+0 Medicine
Animal Handling
+0 Nature
+0 Perception
+0 Performance
+0 Persuasion
+0 Religion
+0 Sleight of Hand
+0 Stealth
+0 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Save DC Modifier
00 00

Lord Maru Yin is a name mentioned mostly in old stories.
a wise and skilled warrior from the Feywild, he has traveled for many years in search of life's fleeting beauty.
He is one of the rare Xiangjian a name given to warriors who have given everything they are to their blade. In literal sense their weapon (normally a sword) seats the wielders soul.
Maru Yin's blade is known as Shisu-Yato a gift from a noble of The Thorn Throne, as thanks for his assistance in their kingdom's establishment within the Feywild Many years ago.

Shisu-Yato is longer than most long swords, with a wide blade and large handle to accommodate the Toad's large bodily frame. Legends say the blade is almost weightless and the wind fears it.
Folk lore in the Feywild says that if the wind suddenly changed direction it must be fleeing from Lord Maru yin.

Maru Yin looks for a place to settle-down, but a call for adventure keeps pushing him along a never ending path. He tries to aid those he meets with wisdom, its rare for him to engage in battle anymore and when he is forced to draw his blade, Non-lethal means are used.
killing needlessly is something he no longer wishes for after his apprentice left a sea of violence where they walked.

Maru Yin is never seen far without a cloud of smoke, herbs and mushrooms he gathers or purchases brewed into a concoction for his Ol' smoking pipe. A pleasant pass time for him.

Maru used to have a skilled apprentice, they travelled together for many years, A violent fallout between them left a village in ruins and the two parting ways.

A noble warrior of a long forgotten family. his homeland of The Feywild a long distant memory.
Ronnin, a name given to warriors who have for one reason o another, lost their master, those who they were bound to serve and protect.

Maru's Master was slain, As his warrior who failed to protect, Maru was deemed Ronnin and cast out of the sprite Mountains, Not before been given the title of Lord. as per his Master's will. so at least his Honor would be remembered.

Like many others traveling from a different plane of exitance Maru ended up in the Promised Archipelago When crossing the borders of The Feywild
Outsider, That's what most are called who manage to leave the Archipelago


Feywild War
The 22 year war between The Thorn Throne and La Cour Florale left quite a scare upon Maru's homeland. The Spirit mountains nabouring the claimed kingdom of the Throne, Maru acted as diplomat between the spirits and the fey of Thorn Throne. Eventually being granted the title of Lord within their kingdom only after the Thorn throne had fallen to the invading prince and princess.

Only when The Lost Prince and Princess of the Thorn Throne invaded the land with Forgine flags did Maru understand the depravity the family had sunk too. This war had no Honour and Maru only sat and watched the battle unfold, ending with the death of The kind and Prince. The Princess seemed to have been driven mad with rage as she stalked the castle after the battle, Murdering every slave, prisoner and servant who were unfortunate enough to be caught in her fury.
It was now Maru intervened, ushering those who could out of the castle, out of the princess's fury. the many were slain but some were saved thanks to Maru's efforts. during a final sweep the Princess Adelina caught her gaze upon him.

Maru has not been back to the fey wilds since then. Fearing the new ruler's punishment he fled to the mortal world.

A great pass time, I have spent many years living among the living and the simple pleasure of watching the world turn by with the occasional entertainment of catching a fish. I think of it as a glimpse into life. Most of us mortals are simply cruising along doing the same thing until something changes, something dramatic, either good or bad its still a break from the mundane.
Eventually, I feel we all desire the mundane. I know after the years of war and fighting, I desire nothing more that to watch the world turn by, Catching fish.

The Wind
There is a saying I have herd many times. If the wind changes direction that means its fleeing the Great, Lord Maru Yin. Well it is true. During my time as warrior for the Thorn Throne

Among the Feywilds Farie and trees often talk to those who will listen, Maru was known to speak among the trees for days. Sylvan being the first language he learned. Communing with nature is what he says made him so wise.
Aside from Sylvan most mortal citizens of the Feywilds spoke Elvin, Maru learned it when he began service to the Thorn Throne
This is a very dark stout exported from CITY, a fortified city in northern Ostrov. This heavy beer tasted best when served at cellar temperatures. Locals look down upon anyone drinking it at a different temperature. Bitter Black had a dark black color with a thick head of deep brown foam
  • character/maru.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by Cinder