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Ozrelia Lockheart

Content Used
[1] Player's Handbook
[2] Xanatha's Guide to Everything
[3] Tasha's Culdron of Everything
[4] Volo
[5] Text
[6] Text

Name / Titles: Ozrelia Lockhert
Ozrelia, Heirophant of the Spores
Class: Druid, Circle of Spores
Species: Aarakocra
Nationality: Griaca

Character Information

Background: Druid's Apprentice
Born: 4th Sunday, Deepsnow
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common
Tools: Medicine Kit, Forager's Kit
Gear: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins
maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles
slings, spears
Light & Medium Armor, Shields
Saves: Intelligence
Profession: Teacher, Scholar
Affiliation: Ozrelia's Mobile Druid Services
Ozrelia's Home

Physical Description

Type: Humanoid
Height: 209cm / 6.9ft
Weight: 82kg / 180ibs
Size: Medium (1×1)
Complexion: pink avian skin under feathers
Eyes: Blue
Feathers: Yellow with Blue pattern
Gender: Female


Sister: Silky Lockheart
Partner: Fenris

Other Quirks

Favorite Food: Frittata & Herbs
Favorite Drink: Hill Cider1)
Games: -
Hobbies: Exotic Gardening

Stories & Campaigns

Ozrelia & Company: Character Story


Level 20 Base Total
75 of 108
InitSpeed Prof
-1 30ft +6
Health Armor ClassP.Perception
00 00 00
6(-2) 8(-1) 10(+0)
20(+5) 20(+5) 18(+4)

Bold Stat = Proficency in Stat

-1 Medicine
Animal Handling
+113) Nature
+11 Perception
-2 Performance
+4 Persuasion
+5 Religion
+55) Sleight of Hand
+4 Stealth
+10 Survival

Bold Stat = Proficiency in Skill

Spell/Ability Modifier

Ability: Wisdom
Save DC Modifier
19 +11

Ozrelia is an orphan Aarakocra from the nations of Ostrov. She found her way to the northern lands of Oxtrad by stowing away on a boat bound for FerraBreeze, Near Covania's Capital.
Journing to Sunwood, Spending time to build supplies and funds before making the dangerous journey through the Fiery Borderlands crossing the Sand seas until she finally reached Vylanna Forest
It was here she found one of the many natural caverns that carved its way throughout Oxtrad. This one was rich in life. almost its own ecosystem, drenched in arcane energy.
Much further in, Ozrelia found her home.

Ozrelia's home can be found underneath Vylanna Forest, in the southern lands of Oxtrad.
Natural caves soaked in magic have given rise to a giant mushroom forest deep within. This is where Ozrelia has set up home.
not many people have even seen this mushroom forest, fewer still have braved the mist and caverns in an attempt to find it.
Ozrelia's Mushroom house has been magically altered over the years. Hollowed out and filled with nick knacks, furniture and basic necessities for an Aarakogra to live. , it stands several stories taller than the other giant mushrooms and may grow taller still, the mushroom sprouts additional branch like shrooms that are magically grown when Ozrelia needs extra rooms.
She has a further underground garden fill of a wide variety of plants both common and rare, for food and materials. The bulk of the shroom is dedicated to her study. There is a small kitchen and bedroom.
Recently Ozrelia has grown some guest bedrooms for the few students she dose take in to teach.

But who is “Ozrelia”. Tall, Yellow and very proud. These are the first things coming to mind when describing Ozrelia. First impressions are very important and Ozrelia makes big one. as tall as most Bugbears, colorful and a full head of crest feathers.
One would describe her as happy, bubbly, a bit of an air head yet fiercely competitive. A not-so loyal friend, Easily distracted on one day then hyper focused the next. bratty as a spoiled princess, loves attention but lives as secluded as she can?
Ozrelia is a mixture of conflicting traits but she will not explain or elaborate. her irrationality IS her rationality for her behavior. she can mingle with many friend groups but cannot commit to one. she is a loud, pretty songbird ready to show and sing everything she has.

The Great Druid Ozrelia is known as one of the few who have mastered Druidcraft, legends say she has mastered nature and has released her shackles of time, able to carry out her studies as she sees fit until Eon comes knocking.

Her great Mushroom is not only home to her studies and school but also his great collection of scripture relating to the many circles of druid craft.

Her only family she keeps in touch with is her sister Silky Lockheart. The pair share a close bond despite living far apart. up until very recently they would meet in person once a month. but they are constantly writing to each other. Silky owns a very exclusive tailor business

Sages & Scholars are defined by their extensive studies, and their characteristics reflect this life of study. Devoted to scholarly pursuits, a sage values knowledge highly
sometimes in its own right, sometimes as a means toward other ideals.

A good Song
I do love the bards of this land, singing the various tales and history that has fallen these nations. I am fully aweear it may not all be strictly factorial. But as long as the song is melodic and the tale exhilarating i listen intently. I hope to be able to sing as they do one day.

Feathers Make the Lady
I keep myself neat and tidy at all hours of the day, dirt, grime and its ilk will see no tolerance from me. what?…. My desk is a mess? nooo you do not see. although it may LOOK like a tornado has cleaved through my office everything is exactly where it should be. and though papers line the floor not a single muddy footprint or dust bunny can be found. the paper and books are perfectly safe from unwanted contaminants.

Druidic Circles
Druid craft has a variety of circles to study from. i Intent to learn them all one day but for now I am a master in the Spore circle. I have taught many up incoming Druids on the ways of the Shroomes. It may not be the most “Natural” way to learn druid craft: in a classroom. But i aspire that Druid craft be a serious academic pursuit and not labeled as a Hippy..or Hermit way of life…although it leads to that most of the time..

Mushrooms and the Underdark

Pass time

My Sister Silky is very big in the fashion scene. a very well renowned name in Griaca we were very close, she taught me a lot about how any Aarakocra can make themselves look best with daily grooming and correct clothing material. I haven't seen her since I left, She said something about a big opportunity in a land called Brovaria? I have never herd of it but I hope she is doing well.

Learning Elvish
Growing up in Ostrov, Elvish was the main language everyone spoke, and learning it was a PAIN. I am not sure why I struggled so much with it, its harder to make the right sounds when you have a beak instead of lips.

The term “well read” is something I conjured up myself. my knowledge is vast and only rivaled by the stupidity of most common folk. its hard to find a good conversation and I despise small talk…we don't need to discuss weather we are both quite capable of looking up….
Anyway I studied at some of the most prestigious institutions in Gracia earning top of my class in all my subjects I don't believe there is any more knowledge to be gained from Mor-thir…but i am merciful and willing to give it a chance. even to be a big fish in a small pond.

1 It is my duty to protect my students.

The Codices
Terribly powerful scripture, The codices were items referenced a few times in the oldest books I had access too. I learned all I can but there is still so much I don't know. most were created near the beginning, when magic first took its hold on the mortal plane. there are over 10 of these Codices, each one holding tremendous power. I have only learned the names of two. Codex Canticalus and The Chronos Codex.
The later I found referenced in a copy of “Tales of Rupananda” but it was terribly decayed and not properly maintained the book was rubbish by the time i finished with it, the only thing i learned aside from its name is that it has something to do with time. The author still remains a mystery to me.
The other Codex Canticalus I learned a bit more. Apparently its some sort of music box, with songs older than some mountains. what these songs are about I did not find but I did learn that it contains songs from a myriad of different bards.

My Home
Grew my home myself, a lovely secluded Cave full of these rather curious giant Mushrooms. I am not entirely sure what caused this phenomenon but the air and soil here is deeply saturated in arcane energy. I believe the tunnel leads directly to the Underdark but I haven't been interested enough to see for myself. Its well protected, fortified and the Mushrooms i raise can live easy. it is my slice of paradise and its made the international trip worth the effort.

This cider is fermented with a secret mix of fruits and apples and has a dark orange color. This cider is as alcoholic as a strong wine.
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  • character/oz.1692421623.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 14 months ago
  • by Cinder