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Professor Stem can be described simply as a seeker of knowlage and teacher of it. Stem pursues his own goals fo furrthering his mind to the point where he is the apex of knowlage. He lacks several key parts of humanity such as empathy. unable to think how his actions may affect others. He keeps his journey stimulated with a few hobbies such as his collection of magic items. running an esteemed university and attending the most royal and noble of parties/events.

Physical Appearance

Intro, General, Quirks & Flaws, Likes. Other

Professor Stem will only make convosation with people if he thinks he has something to gain. he is only ever interested with talking about his intrests, thinks like the Gods, secrets, magic items or teaching.

Stem recons they are best buds? best work colligues? best of something.

Something that Stem Created then let loose into the world. There isn't much connection between these two. as soon as Orphell gained humanity Stem pretty much called the experiment a sucsess then pushed her out the front door.

Set fire to her forest once. would happily do it again.

  • character/stem/biography.1593665521.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • (external edit)