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Varis Hanali

Druid, Protector, Hippie.
Kyle's Characters

Has hemophobia (fear of blood).

Varis Hanali
Name Varis Player Kyle Race High-Elf Male Level 10
Alignment TN Class Circle of Dreams Druid (10) Status Alive
Age 108 Birth 3rd Tuesday of Lowsun 12,227
HP 64 AC 13 SPD 30ft. Init +2
Bonus +4 Passive Perception 00 - Insight 00 Join C4-S01 Leave C0-S00
Languages Common, Elvish, Druidic, Sylvan, Undercommon
Proficiencies Herbalism kit, Short sword & bow, Long sword & bow, Dagger,
Prof Ability Score Bonus Save
Strength 10 0 0
Dexterity 15 +2 +2
Constitution 14 +2 +2
X Intelligence 10 0 +4
X Wisdom 18 +4 +8
Charisma 12 +1 +1
Prof Skill Mod Prof Skill Mod
Acrobatics +2 X Medicine +8
Animal Handling +4 X Nature +4
X Arcana +4 X Perception +8
Athletics 0 Performance +1
Deception +1 Persuasion +1
History 0 X Religion +4
Insight +1 Sleight of Hand +2
Intimidation +1 Stealth +2
Investigation 0 Survival +4
Spell Casting Ability WIS
Save DC 16 Modifier +8
Spell prepare 14
Level Slots Spells
Cantrip 4 total Druidcraft, Mending, Mold Earth, Thorn Whip
1st 4 Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire, Goodberry
2nd 3 Healing Spirit, Heat Metal, Find Object
3rd 3 Haste, Lightning Bolt, Tidal Wave
4th 3 Divination, Hallucinatory Terrain, Wall of Fire
5th 2 Maelstrom, Mass Cure Wounds
6th 0
7th 0
8th 0
9th 0,c1153c,c6e8f0,cf692f,c86c43,c29670,cbaec1,cb1d55,c87459,c25eb5,cf462b,c96c0d,c4830c,cb4956,cc8907,ca3d4d,c44c16,cfc88c,

Wild Shape
Uses 2 Duration 5 Hours
CR Beasts
0 Cat, Deer, Lizard, Spider, Frog, Bat, Eagle, Owl
1/8 Mastiff, Poisonous Snake
1/4 Boar, Cow, Elk, Wolf
1/2 Black Bear
1 Brown Bear

Crystal Ball of Telepathy
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory Goats)
Broom of Flying

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  • Last modified: 5 years ago
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