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Type: Head, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Crown
Weight @@Weight@@
AC @@AC@@


An ancient stone carved throne decorated with symbols representing various aspects of Oxtrad and the previous Rulers.

The Throne itself is not magical in anyway but the raw power of what it represents to the people of Oxtrad makes it a relic of untold power. To lead an entire nation with nothing but your words and actions. True power not granted by anything other then yourself.


To Sit upon the throne is no honour but a sacrifice. For you are now the leader of Oxtrad and all its people and you will lead them into a glorious future.

You shall never falter.
You shall never cower.
You will have this throne until you pass on.

  • item/crown_of_oxtrad.txt
  • Last modified: 11 months ago
  • by Kyle