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Type: Staff, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Type Pole
Range 5ft
Hands Two handed
Damage 1d6 Bludgeoning


Ability Shared by all Staves These abilities carry over to your wild-shape form if you are still equipped with the staff when you change (even if you meld the gear into your shape)

  • Grants +3 to spell attacks made while wielding & attuned to the staff.
  • Increases your Spell save DC by 2 when wielding & attuned to the staff.
  • Allows the cast of 2 Druid spells of 4th level or lower without consuming Spell slots or materials per 24 hours, regaining its charges at dawn.

If the following conditions are met you unlock additional benefits while the staff is attuned and in your possession.

  • The staff has been in the characters possession for at least a year.
  • The character is a pure Druid (No Multiclass)

the following effects take place once a staff is enlightened with additional unique benefits depending on the staff

  • The Character can no longer change classes or multiclass.
  • The Staff no longer takes an Attunement slot.
  • The Character cannot be disarmed and if the staff is more than 30ft away from the character it appears in their hand.

Unique Abilities

  • Circle of Spores (Currently in Possession of Ozrelia)
  • Circle of Dreams (Location Unknown)
  • Circle of Land (Currently in Possession of Ozrelia)
  • Circle of Moon (Currently in Possession of Ken)
    • Modifies your Wild-Shape Restrictions, Once at 6th Level instead of the Max CR being 1/3 of your druid level it becomes 1/2 of your druid level or lower. 1) The wildshape creature must be a Beast.
      • Enlightenment:
      • You can use your elemental wildshape with only a single use rather that 2 uses.
      • you can expend 2 uses of your wildshape to ignore the CR restrictions, allowing you to shape into a creature of CR equal to your druid level.
  • Circle of Shepherd (Location Unknown)
  • Circle of Stars (Location Unknown)
  • Circle of Wildfire (Location Unknown)


They say there are many Staffs made from Dryads gifted to Druids. one for each circle of study. not much is known on their whereabouts.
They all share similar design aspects but quite different in shape and style. the colour of the gemstones to the bend and shape of the branch used to craft it.

A expertly crafted staff from the branches of a Dryad Queen's tree. a large blue gemstone in the head of the staff, encased in roots. the staff is engraved with a variety of symbols written in Sylvan. Its power enhances the strength of druids who wield it and further strengthen those belonging to the Spore circle.

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  • Last modified: 3 months ago
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