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Type: Wonderous, Class: Artifact, Rarity: Legendary, Attunement: Required

Properties Stats
Size Left hand


To attune to the hand, you must cut off your left hand at the wrist and then press the artifact against the stump. The hand grafts itself to your arm and becomes a functioning appendage. If the hand is ever removed, you die and a new Realm Rift is torn between your current plane and the Far Realm.
When you first attune to the artifact, you immediately gain the adjusted ability scores and the Fount of Knowledge properties and your alignment changes to chaotic evil. You then gradually progress through the stages of Narkul’s Command as your bond to Narkul strengthens. How quickly you acquire them depends on your willingness to follow Narkul.

Destroying the Hand.
The Hand of Narkul is indestructible for as long as Narkul lives. The only way to destroy it is to kill Narkul. If anyone is bearing the Hand of Narkul when the Narkul dies, the hand withers and falls off harmlessly after a week


A major plot item in Rise of Narkul & Ascension of Narkul
Updated lore is needed


  • item/hand_of_narkul.txt
  • Last modified: 13 months ago
  • by Kyle